
Keep up to date with our latest
releases and enhancements.

Release 1.47.1    

A minor maintenance release, primarily to improve the single-box installation process for new trials of CircleCI Enterprise. Also, we have now follow advice from GitHub to not check if emails in GitHub Enterprise are “verified” — we will continue to check verified status if you are using If you have reason to change “verified” checks on your users’ emails let us know.


Fetch CocoaPods from S3 instead of Git in iOS projects    

A few weeks ago we started downloading CocoaPods specs from S3 instead of Git in projects that use our iOS inference. It is now also possible to download the specs from S3 in projects with manual configuration.

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Update to address CVE-2016-8655    

We have released patches to our AMIs and other infrastructure to address CVE-2016-8655. We recommend all CircleCI Enterprise installations follow the instructions below to update both their Services box and their Builder fleet.

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Server Images

Update to address CVE-2016-5195    

We have released patches to our AMIs and other infrastructure to address CVE-2016-5195. We recommend all CircleCI Enterprise installations follow the instructions below to update both their Services box and their Builder fleet.

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Server Images

Release 1.46.4    

  • Fix for a bug that stopped certain CloudWatch metrics from working.

Confirmation modal for stop building projects on CircleCI    

We have added a confirmation message to prevent users from accidentally stopping the builds on CircleCI.

Anchor to a particular step within build output    

Users can show share link to a particular step within their build output; Eg.

Flash notifications for adding & deleting keys    

We have added flash notification when users add or remove Apple Code Signing key, API permissions, SSH key or environment variables.

Release 1.45.1    

  • Fix for an issue that was causing builds to fail that were triggered by users with a github account but no circleci account.

Note: we are shifting our versioning to better reflect the current release semantically.


Release 0.2.45    

  • PR-only builds - We have added functionality to only run builds when a pull request is open. To enable this functionality you can navigate to “Advanced Settings” for your project and enable the “Only build pull requests” option.
  • Chrome notifications - see the docs
  • Fixed a bug where builds triggered by people who don’t have seats in CircleCI Enterprise were not running. They now should run as before.
  • Some UI changes to make updating data in the web interface more consistent.
  • Reliability improvements by changing retry logic in various places.