
Keep up to date with our latest
releases and enhancements.

Container runner version 3.0.4    

What’s New

  • Log errors from calls to Kubernetes API when loading token secrets on Kubernetes driver startup
  • Set reasonable resource requests and limits for logging containers
  • Add a liveness probe to check the health of the task-agent process
  • Respect node RBAC permission setting in K8s GC
  • Fix for custom Docker registry names
  • Fix for broken pipes while copying task agent when using Alpine-based images on MicroK8s
  • Fix for the task token from being able to be exposed in a job
  • Support Bash parameter expansion syntax in the job config file
  • Improve logging container configuration:
    • Only mount the service account token if there are service containers and therefore a logging container
    • Make the logging container respect the image pull policy of the task pod config, if set. This matches the behaviour of the primary and secondary containers in the task pod.
  • Improve task pod event logging in the Task lifecycle step
Runner Images

Container runner version 3.0.3    

What’s New

This release includes dependency updates and security patches.


Container runner version 3.0.0    

What’s New

  • First major release of container runner
  • Going forward, this page will detail what has changed between versions which will be released at a regular cadence
  • More details around the cadence will be shared shortly