Phase 1 GCP - Prerequisites
- 1. Install required software
- 2. Create a VPC
- VPC and cluster sizing recommendations
- 2. Create a Kubernetes cluster
- Cluster requirements
- Compute resources
- Supported Kubernetes versions
- Minimum permissions requirements
- Enable Workload Identity in GKE (optional)
- 3. Create a new GitHub OAuth app
- GitHub Enterprise
- 4. Static IP addresses
- GCP: Reserve a static external IP address
- 5. Frontend TLS certificates
- Google Cloud DNS
- Upstream TLS termination
- 6. Encryption/signing keys
- a. Artifact signing key
- b. Encryption signing key
- 7. Object storage and permissions
- Google Cloud Storage
- a. Create a GCP bucket
- b. Set up authentication
- Next steps
CircleCI server v4.7 is installed as a Helm chart. The installation process is broken down into four phases. There is a validation step at the end of each phase, allowing you to confirm success before moving to the next phase. Depending on your requirements, phases 3 and 4 may include multiple steps. This installation guide assumes you have already read the CircleCI server v4.7 overview.
In the following sections, replace any sections indicated by < > with your details. |
1. Install required software
Download and install the following software before continuing:
Tool | Version | Used for | Notes |
1.19 or greater | Kubernetes CLI | ||
3.9.2 or greater | Kubernetes Package Management | ||
3.5.0 or greater | Helping with | Optional, but may help with troubleshooting between releases | |
| Latest | Managing GCP resources | GCP installs only |
0.15.4 or greater | Infrastructure Management | Required for installations within GCP or AWS | |
Install and configure MinIO CLI for your storage provider if you choose not to use AWS or GCP object storage. | TBC | TBC | Required for installations outside AWS and GCP, for example, local installation. |
2. Create a VPC
Installing server locally? you can skip this step, but you should ensure you follow the resourcing recommendation of using /18 CIDR blocks to ensure you have adequate capacity for both your Kubernetes Cluster and the provisioning of Nomad clients to run your jobs. |
If you are installing server in the cloud, either AWS or GCP, you will need to create a new virtual private cloud (VPC).
Refer to the GCP guide to creating a VPC.
VPC and cluster sizing recommendations
While there are no strict requirements for VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) setup or disk size, the following practices are recommended for optimal performance and stability in production environments.
VPC Selection
We recommend you create a new VPC specifically for CircleCI server and its components, rather than using an existing VPC.
Subnet Provisioning
For high availability, and to avoid potential outages, you should provision subnets using /18 CIDR blocks across multiple Availability Zones.
2. Create a Kubernetes cluster
CircleCI server installs into an existing Kubernetes cluster. If you have not already created a cluster, you should do so next. There are instructions for creating a cluster below, or if you are installing locally, first consider the sizing, version, and permissions requirements.
Cluster requirements
Compute resources
The application uses a large number of resources. Depending on your usage, your Kubernetes cluster should meet the following requirements:
Number of daily active CircleCI users | Minimum Nodes | Total CPU | Total RAM | NIC speed |
< 500 | 4 | 24 cores | 90 GB | 1 Gbps |
500+ | 6 | 48 cores | 240 GB | 10 Gbps |
Supported Kubernetes versions
CircleCI Version | Kubernetes Version |
4.7.x | 1.26 - 1.31 |
Minimum permissions requirements
The installing user must have at least admin permissions for the namespace into which CircleCI is to be installed.
You can learn more about creating a GKE cluster in the GKE docs.
Do not use an Autopilot cluster. CircleCI requires functionality that is not supported by GKE Autopilot. |
Install and configure the GCP CLI for your GCP account. This includes creating a Google Project, which will be required to create a cluster within your project.
When you create your project, make sure you also enable API access. If you do not enable API access, the command we will run next (to create your cluster) will fail. Setting the default
project id
, computezone
will make running subsequent commands easier:gcloud config set project <PROJECT_ID> gcloud config set compute/zone <ZONE> gcloud config set compute/region <REGION>
Create your cluster
CircleCI recommends using Workload Identity to allow workloads/pods in your GKE clusters to impersonate Identity and Access Management (IAM) service accounts to access Google Cloud services. Use the following command to provision a simple cluster: gcloud container clusters create circleci-server \ --num-nodes 5 \ --machine-type n1-standard-8 \ --workload-pool=<PROJECT_ID> \ --network <NETWORK> \ --subnetwork <SUBNETWORK>
Your kube-context should get updated with the new cluster credentials automatically. If you need to update your kube-context manually, you can by running the following:
gcloud container clusters get-credentials circleci-server
Install the GKE authentication plugin for
:gcloud components install gke-gcloud-auth-plugin
Verify your cluster:
kubectl cluster-info
Enable Workload Identity in GKE (optional)
Follow these steps if you already have a GKE cluster and need to enable Workload Identity on the cluster and the node pools.
Enable Workload Identity on existing cluster:
gcloud container clusters update "<CLUSTER_NAME>" \ --workload-pool="<PROJECT_ID>"
Get node pools of existing GKE cluster:
gcloud container node-pools list --cluster "<CLUSTER_NAME>"
Update existing node pools:
gcloud container node-pools update "<NODEPOOL_NAME>" \ --cluster="<CLUSTER_NAME>" \ --workload-metadata="GKE_METADATA"
You must repeat Step 3 for all the existing node pools. Follow these links for steps to enable Workload Identity for your Kubernetes service accounts:
3. Create a new GitHub OAuth app
If GitHub Enterprise and CircleCI server are not on the same domain, then images and icons from GHE will fail to load in the CircleCI web app. |
Registering and setting up a new GitHub OAuth app for CircleCI server allows for authorization control to your server installation using GitHub OAuth and for updates to GitHub projects/repos using build status information. The following steps apply for both and GitHub Enterprise.
In your browser, navigate to menu:Your-GitHub-instance[User Settings>Developer Settings>OAuth Apps] and select New OAuth App.
Figure 1. New GitHub OAuth App -
Complete the following fields, based on your planned installation:
Homepage URL: The URL of your planned CircleCI installation.
Authorization callback URL: The authorization callback URL is the URL of your planned CircleCI installation followed by
Once completed, you will be shown the Client ID. Select Generate a new Client Secret to generate a Client Secret for your new OAuth App. You will need these values when you configure CircleCI server.
Figure 2. Client ID and Secret
GitHub Enterprise
If using GitHub Enterprise, you also need a personal access token and the domain name of your GitHub Enterprise instance.
Create the defaultToken
by navigating to User Settings > Developer Settings > Personal access tokens. The default token requires no scopes. You will need this value when you configure CircleCI server.
4. Static IP addresses
It is recommended to provision a static IP address to assign to the load balancer created by the cluster. While this is not necessary, it does eliminate the need to update DNS records if the service-created load balancer is reprovisioned.
GCP: Reserve a static external IP address
The Google Cloud docs provide information on how reserve an IP address.
Make note of the returned IPv4 address for use later in the values.yaml
5. Frontend TLS certificates
By default, CircleCI server creates self-signed certificates to get you started. In production, you should supply a certificate from a trusted certificate authority. The Let’s Encrypt certificate authority, for example, can issue a free certificate using their Certbot tool. The sections below cover using Google Cloud DNS and AWS Route 53.
It is important that your certificate contains both your domain and the app.* subdomain as subjects. For example, if you host your installation at , your certificate must cover and . |
Once you have created your certificates using one of the methods described below, you can use the following commands to retrieve the certificates later when you need them during this installation:
ls -l /etc/letsencrypt/live/<CIRCLECI_SERVER_DOMAIN>
cat /etc/letsencrypt/live/<CIRCLECI_SERVER_DOMAIN>/fullchain.pem
cat /etc/letsencrypt/live/<CIRCLECI_SERVER_DOMAIN>/privkey.pem
Google Cloud DNS
If you host your DNS on Google Cloud, you need the
plugin installed. You can install the plugin with the following command:python3 -m pip install certbot-dns-google
The service account used to run
will need to have access to Cloud DNS in order to provision the necessary records used by Let’s Encrypt for domain validation.-
Create a service account:
gcloud iam service-accounts create <SERVICE_ACCOUNT_ID> --description="<DESCRIPTION>" \ --display-name="<DISPLAY_NAME>"
Retrieve credentials for the service account:
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create <KEY_FILE> \ --iam-account <SERVICE_ACCOUNT_ID>@<PROJECT_ID>
Create a custom role for Certbot:
gcloud iam roles create certbot --project=<PROJECT_ID> \ --title="<TITLE>" --description="<DESCRIPTION>" \ --permissions="dns.changes.create,dns.changes.get,dns.changes.list,dns.managedZones.get,dns.managedZones.list,dns.resourceRecordSets.create,dns.resourceRecordSets.delete,dns.resourceRecordSets.list,dns.resourceRecordSets.update" \ --stage=ALPHA
Bind the new role to the service account which we created earlier:
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding <PROJECT_ID> \ --member="serviceAccount:<SERVICE_ACCOUNT_ID>@<PROJECT_ID>" \ --role="<ROLE_NAME>"
Finally, the following commands will provision a certification for your installation:
certbot certonly --dns-google --dns-google-credentials <KEY_FILE> -d "<CIRCLECI_SERVER_DOMAIN>" -d "app.<CIRCLECI_SERVER_DOMAIN>"
Upstream TLS termination
You may have a requirement to terminate TLS for CircleCI server outside the application. This is an alternate method to using ACM or supplying the certificate chain during Helm deployment. An example would be a proxy running in front of the CircleCI installation providing TLS termination for your domain name. In this case the CircleCI application acts as the backend for your load balancer or proxy.
CircleCI server listens on the following port numbers, which need to be configured depending how you are routing the traffic:
Frontend / API Gateway [TCP 80, 443]
Nomad server [TCP 4647]
Depending on your requirements you may choose to terminate TLS for only the frontend/api-gateway or provide TLS for services listening on all the ports.
6. Encryption/signing keys
The keysets generated in this section are used to encrypt and sign artifacts generated by CircleCI. You will need these values to configure server.
Store these values securely. If they are lost, job history and artifacts will not be recoverable. |
a. Artifact signing key
To generate an artifact signing key, run the following command:
docker run circleci/server-keysets:latest generate signing -a stdout
b. Encryption signing key
To generate an encryption signing key, run the following command:
docker run circleci/server-keysets:latest generate encryption -a stdout
7. Object storage and permissions
CircleCI server v4.7 hosts build artifacts, test results, and other state object storage. The following storage options are supported:
While any S3 compatible object storage may work, we test and support AWS S3 and MinIO. Follow the instructions below to create a bucket and access method for AWS S3 or GCS.
If you are installing locally rather than in AWS or GCP, follow the MinIO instructions in the Air-gapped installation docs.
If you are installing behind a proxy, object storage should be behind this proxy also. Otherwise, proxy details will need to be supplied at the job level within every project .circleci/config.yml to allow artifacts, test results, cache save and restore, and workspaces to work. For more information see the Installing server behind a proxy guide. |
Google Cloud Storage
a. Create a GCP bucket
If your server installation runs in a GKE cluster, ensure that your current IAM user is cluster admin for this cluster, as RBAC (role-based access control) objects need to be created. More information can be found in the GKE documentation.
gsutil mb gs://circleci-server-bucket
b. Set up authentication
The recommended method for workload/pod authentication is to use Workload Identity. However, you may also use static credentials (JSON key file).
Create a Service Account.
gcloud iam service-accounts create circleci-storage --description="Service account for CircleCI object storage" --display-name="circleci-storage"
Bind the
role to the service account.gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding <PROJECT_ID> \ --member="serviceAccount:circleci-storage@<PROJECT_ID>" \ --role="roles/storage.objectAdmin" \ --condition='"projects/_/buckets/circleci-server-bucket"),title=restrict_bucket'
Either enable Workload Identity or use static credentials.