
Keep up to date with our latest
releases and enhancements.

Jun 11, 2021

Jun 11, 2021

UX Updates    

What’s New

In order to improve the overall user experience, the following updates and changes have been made to the CircleCI user interface:

Jun 11, 2021

Jun 11, 2021

Link to former re-run-with-SSH job provided from Job page    

Jun 09, 2021

Jun 09, 2021

Private Orbs for All Paid Plans    

What’s New

Previously available to all of our Scale plan customers, we are now allowing all paid customers to access up to 3 Private Orbs. Note that Scale Plan customers will still have full access to an unlimited number of private orbs.

Jun 09, 2021

Jun 09, 2021

Xcode 12.5 Image Now Available    

What’s New

The Xcode 12.5 image, built with Big Sur, is now available on all CircleCI macOS resources. This enables you to build applications for the latest iOS, tvOS, and watchOS versions.

For more information, please refer to the following Discuss post, which can be found here.

Jun 04, 2021

Jun 04, 2021

Additional remote Docker version now available.    

What’s New

An additional version of Docker (v20.10.6) is now available for CircleCI’s remote Docker engine.

Jun 01, 2021

Jun 01, 2021

Release 3.0.2    

Release 3.0.2

  • Resolved a bug relating to artifacts disappearing after 30 days. The default settings for the artifact retention period have been updated to unlimited, and can be adjusted from the KOTS Admin Console.
  • Resolved a bug that made Traefik “unaware” of TLS certificate updates without requiring a manual restart of the Traefik pod. The Traefik pod will now restart automatically after any TLS certificate updates go into effect after the initial post KOTS deployment.
  • Resolved a bug in builds-service that was causing pods to crash as a result of running out of memory.

Known Issues

  • No support for external data stores (Postgres, Mongo, Vault). This feature will be implemented in a future release.
  • It is currently possible for multiple organizations under the same CircleCI server account to have contexts with identical names. This should be avoided as doing so could lead to errors and unexpected behavior. This will be fixed in a future patch release.
  • CircleCI 1.0 builds are not supported. If an attempt is made to run a 1.0 build, no feedback will be available in the application to indicate the cause of the issue. If a build is run on your installation and does not show up in the CircleCI application, users should be directed to use the CircleCI CLI to validate the project configuration and get details of the possible cause of the issue.
  • CircleCI currently assigns a public load balancer for the frontend services. For some customers, their infrastructure or security groups won’t allow this. We will provide an optional internal local balancer for the frontend services in a future release.
  • Telegraf metrics collection customization is not yet available.

To learn more about Server 3.0 installation, migration, or operations please see our documentation.

May 20, 2021

May 20, 2021

Arm Compute Now Generally Available    

What’s New

After a successful preview phase, Arm compute is now generally available on CircleCI Cloud. Customers on all usage-based plans can access the arm.medium resource (including the Free plan and OSS organizations). The arm.large resource is available to all Performance, Scale, and Custom customers.

For more information about CircleCI’s Arm compute resources, refer to the following CircleCI Arm documentation, which can be found here

May 19, 2021

May 19, 2021

Empty State Improvement on Plan Usage UI    

What’s New

The empty state UI that is displayed when a billing period has been selected for which there has been no credit usage has been improved. This could be the case if you have not used CircleCI recently, or you have just set up your account to start using CircleCI.

May 13, 2021

May 13, 2021

Updated Sample Config Templates    

What’s New

Some notable updates have been made to our sample configuration templates.

May 05, 2021

May 05, 2021

`matches` logical statement in config    

What’s New

A new logical statement has been added to the config called matches, which takes a map with two parameters: pattern and value. If the value is a regex match to pattern, the value will be returned as true. This type of regex matching in when statements enables customers who want to filter individual steps or entire workflows based upon branch or tag to do so in a more consistent way that matches whatever logic they want to use.

May 05, 2021

May 05, 2021

Release 3.0.1    

Release 3.0.1

  • build_agent version value updated, as the previous version was relying on a vulnerable version of PsExec.
  • Due to an issue that was causing duplicated checks in GitHub, environment variables for output-processor were reconfigured.
  • Adjusted deployment configuration for vm-service to handle out-of-order database migrations managed by Flyway.

Known Issues

  • No support for external data stores (Postgres, Mongo, Vault). This feature will be implemented in a future release.
  • It is currently possible for multiple organizations under the same CircleCI server account to have contexts with identical names. This should be avoided as doing so could lead to errors and unexpected behavior. This will be fixed in a future patch release.
  • CircleCI 1.0 builds are not supported. If an attempt is made to run a 1.0 build, no feedback will be available in the application to indicate the cause of the issue. If a build is run on your installation and does not show up in the CircleCI application, users should be directed to use the CircleCI CLI to validate the project configuration and get details of the possible cause of the issue.
  • CircleCI currently assigns a public load balancer for the frontend services. For some customers, their infrastructure or security groups won’t allow this. We will provide an optional internal local balancer for the frontend services in a future release.
  • Telegraf metrics collection customization is not yet available.

To learn more about Server 3.0 installation, migration, or operations please see our documentation.

Apr 30, 2021

Apr 30, 2021

Plans Usage Page Performance Improvements    

What’s New

Significant performance improvements have been made on the Plan Usage page to reduce page load times, ensuring high usage customers can access and load this page without page timeouts.

Apr 30, 2021

Apr 30, 2021

Updated Windows Executor Images | NuGet    

What’s New

Some users of our Windows executor images may have experienced a recent issue with nuget restore failing to download packages from the package source when running choco install before running nuget restore.

Apr 29, 2021

Apr 29, 2021

Insights Dashboard - All Branch Filtering    

What’s New

Previously, the Insights experience was scoped at a single branch level. Starting from today, you can now access Insights data across all of your branches, making it easier to understand workflow and job performance across an entire project.

Apr 28, 2021

Apr 28, 2021

Dynamic config via Setup Workflows    

What’s New

Dynamic config via Setup workflows is now generally available for customers to use CircleCI jobs to generate pipeline parameters and configurations. These generated parameters and configurations are appended to the existing pipeline and enable customers to dynamically generate configurations based on runtime inputs. Since this functionality is already used in existing workflows/jobs structure, orbs can be used as part of setup workflows, which will enable you, and the community at large, to cover different dynamic configuration use cases by building orbs for different use cases.

Apr 22, 2021

Apr 22, 2021

Updated Windows Executor Image    

What’s New

The Windows executor image has been updated for April, which includes the latest bug fixes and security patches from Microsoft.

Apr 16, 2021

Apr 16, 2021

New Insights Landing Page & Project Details Page    

What’s New

The Insights landing page has been updated to provide users with detailed performance summaries for each project in an organization. With this update, we have also simplified the landing page to display performance per project and also made it easier for larger organizations to use.

Apr 15, 2021

Apr 15, 2021

Insights Metric Glossary + Docs Revamp    

What’s New

Users will now be able to access the Insights Metric Glossary. This feature provides detailed definitions and examples for Insights metrics including how they are calculated, allowing you to make the most of the insights dashboard. Additionally, users can now access a dedicated Insights section in the CircleCI documentation for easy access to detailed Insights content.

Apr 14, 2021

Apr 14, 2021

First Party Orb Version Badge Service    

What’s New

Previously, CircleCI orb version badges were generated through, with data provided by a small service that a CircleCI CPE member managed. Although this process was not officially managed by CircleCI, with this update, this feature now consolidates the entire orb version badge generation process within CircleCI.

Mar 31, 2021

Mar 31, 2021

Release 3.0.0    

What’s New in Release 3.0.0

Server 3.0 is now generally available. The newest version of server offers the ability to scale under heavy workloads, all within your own Kubernetes cluster and private network, while still enjoying the full CircleCI cloud experience. Server 3.0 includes the latest CircleCI features, such as orbs, scheduled workflows, matrix jobs, and more. For existing customers interested in migrating from 2.19 to 3.x, contact your customer success manager. Server 3.0 will receive monthly patch releases and quarterly feature releases.

Mar 19, 2021

Mar 19, 2021

Android Machine Image    

What’s New

A new Android machine image has been added, with support for nested virtualization and running x86 emulators. With this new image, you can now run Android emulator-based UI tests and other types of builds that require nested virtualization, on CircleCI.

Mar 18, 2021

Mar 18, 2021

Test Insights    

What’s New

Test Insights is now available to all cloud customers in Open Preview. Test Insights is our most requested Insights feature, so we are excited to deliver this feature to users. With Test Insights, you will now be able to analyze test performance within your most recent executions and identify additional opportunities for test optimization.

For more information about how to access the Test Insights preview, refer to this Discuss page.

Mar 16, 2021

Mar 16, 2021

Context REST API    

What’s New

The Context REST API was built to enable secure secrets rotation and move towards having RESTful public APIs. In order to enable GA, our teams made the following improvements:

Mar 16, 2021

Mar 16, 2021

Release 2.19.12    

What’s New in Release 2.19.12


  • Removed support for 1.0 builder graceful shutdown on auto-scaling events
    • This alleviates Python 2 security vulnerabilities

Known Issues

  • On static (non-AWS) installations with NONE selected under storage driver settings, tests can be split only by file name or file size. If a user attempts to split tests by timing data, static instances will split them by file name instead.
  • If any changes have been made to your networking configuration from the default, you should run the following steps to ensure you can use SSH to inspect your builds (for further information on SSH reruns see the SSH Rerun Guide):
    • For customers using AWS, make sure that you have the latest Launch Configuration configured for Nomad clients, and that exiting Nomad clients were spun up using the Launch Configuration.
    • On each Nomad Client machine, create /etc/circleci/public-ipv4
    • This file should contain the public (if applicable) or private IP of the nomad client

Mar 12, 2021

Mar 12, 2021

Overlay2 on Remote Docker jobs    

What’s New

As a part of a regular update, a change was made to make Remote Docker machines use Overlay2 as a storage driver. This change caused some jobs using Docker Layer Caching (DLC) to fail on COPY steps in Docker multi-stage builds. The issue should get automatically resolved as DLC volumes get rotated, however, if the issue persists, please open a new support ticket so we can help you address the issue.

Mar 12, 2021

Mar 12, 2021

Plan Usage Design Update    

What’s New

The design on the usage summary on the Plan Usage page has been updated. The details shown are now based on the feature available on each plan type. This aligns the design across the different plan types to provide a more consistent user experience.

Mar 11, 2021

Mar 11, 2021

Personal and Project API Tokens Documentation    

What’s New

In order to better support and improve security for customers, our teams have provided some best practices in our CircleCI documentation:

Mar 11, 2021

Mar 11, 2021

Context Environment Variable Rotation Documentation    

What’s New

In order to support and improve security for our customers, the CircleCI documentation has been updated to describe environment variable rotation and how it is important for security. Also included in this documentation update are instructions describing how you can rotate environment variables.

You can find detailed information about these changes here.

Feb 25, 2021

Feb 25, 2021

Org Trends & Percentile/Average Trends    

Feb 20, 2021

Feb 20, 2021

New Email Notifications for Impersonations    

What’s New

When support needs to impersonate your account to troubleshoot an issue you reported, you will now receive an email to notify you they are doing so.

Feb 20, 2021

Feb 20, 2021

New JSON Toggle in Configuration    

What’s New

You can now view your configuration in YAML with a side-by-side JSON view, enabling you to solve your configuration in a more familiar language.

Feb 19, 2021

Feb 19, 2021

Windows Executor Images Update    

What’s New

The most recent images for the Windows executor now include the .NET Core SDK 3.1. This means you will now have access to the latest version out-of-the-box, as the old Windows version has been deprecated.

Feb 18, 2021

Feb 18, 2021

Private Orbs for Scale Customers    

What’s New

Today we are enabling private orbs for our Scale customers.

Feb 18, 2021

Feb 18, 2021

Configuration Editor Expansion    

What’s New

CircleCI’s in-app configuration editor makes it quick and easy to resolve errors and write your config file. Features include:

Feb 10, 2021

Feb 10, 2021

New Remote Docker Versions    

What’s New

Two new versions of Remote Docker (v19.03.14 and v20.10.2) have been released and are now available for use.

Feb 05, 2021

Feb 05, 2021

Faster Git Checkouts    

What’s New

You will now see a faster checkout step in your CircleCI jobs. The built-in checkout step now does a git clone without checkout, followed by checking out the branch (overwriting existing) at the SHA received from the VCS provider. In addition to speeding up the checkouts, a number of Git checkout-related issues have been resolved, resulting in improved reliability of the checkout step.

Feb 04, 2021

Feb 04, 2021

Invite Team Button    

What’s New

On a project-specific Pipelines page, there is now a link where you can invite a new team member to the project. When you click this button, a modal pops-up where you can copy a link to the Project page. Any team member who then opens the copied link will auto-follow the project. This feature helps you to get more of your teammates onboard and building with you on CircleCI.

Feb 04, 2021

Feb 04, 2021

Test Output Boxes Now Black    

What’s New

When you navigate to the Tests tab of a job page with failing tests, the output boxes used to have a light grey background with black text. These output boxes now have a black background with white text to match the output boxes in the Steps tab. This change addresses requests from users who dislike reading long outputs on lighter backgrounds.

Feb 04, 2021

Feb 04, 2021

Tooltip Updates    

What’s New

We have introduced a few new tooltips to improve your experience on the platform:

Feb 01, 2021

Feb 01, 2021

Arm Resources on CircleCI    

What’s New

We have initiated a preview of hosted Arm resources on CircleCI. Arm is an architecture that is quickly gaining traction for server workloads. Organizations choose Arm because of its faster performance, which results in faster workloads and significant cost savings compared to x86-based architectures. An essential piece of migrating workloads to Arm is having Arm support in your CI system. If you are on a usage-based plan, including the Free plan, you may request access to the Arm preview. We are making two arm64 resources available: arm.medium and arm.large.

Feb 01, 2021

Feb 01, 2021

Overlay2/XFS filesystem on all Docker jobs    

What’s New

As a part of a regular update, we are rolling out a change to the filesystem in the machines that all Docker executor jobs run on. The filesystem the Docker jobs use will now be XFS with the Overlay2 storage driver. Initial metrics of this change suggest faster and more reliable build times. You will not need to make any changes to take advantage of this update.

Feb 01, 2021

Feb 01, 2021

Failed tests listed above tabs    

What’s New

If you have configurations set up to collect test metadata, you will now have an easier time understanding what tests may have failed. On each Job page with a failed test, there is now a box above the steps/tests/artifacts tabs with a summary of how many tests failed, how many tests ran, and links to the names of each test that failed. The links jump to the output of the test failure further down the page. There is also a copy button to the right of each name if you would like to copy the name and rerun it in your personal IDE.

Feb 01, 2021

Feb 01, 2021

2021 Q1 Linux Image Updates    

What’s New

The software for the standard Linux Ubuntu 16.04 and 20.04 images has been upgraded to support amd64 and arm64 images. The ARM image specifically is still under preview with overall CircleCI ARM support. The standard images are GA releases.

Jan 29, 2021

Jan 29, 2021

Link to Config and Project Settings from Insights    

Jan 22, 2021

Jan 22, 2021

Persisting Selected Branches    

What’s New

Insights now persists the current branch when navigating from the pipelines or workflow runs pages. The dashboard displays the current/selected branch instead of defaulting to main. Similarly, on the Insights dashboard, changing workflows on a given branch no longer results in the branch reverting to main.

Jan 22, 2021

Jan 22, 2021

Job Trends    

Jan 19, 2021

Jan 19, 2021

Release 2.19.11    

What’s New in Release 2.19.11


  • Fixed a bug that didn’t allow more than 50 aliases in a configuration

Known Issues

  • On static (non-AWS) installations with NONE selected under storage driver settings, tests can be split only by file name or file size. If a user attempts to split tests by timing data, static instances will split them by file name instead.
  • If any changes have been made to your networking configuration from the default, you should run the following steps to ensure you can use SSH to inspect your builds (for further information on SSH reruns see the SSH Rerun Guide):
    • For customers using AWS, make sure that you have the latest Launch Configuration configured for Nomad clients, and that exiting Nomad clients were spun up using the Launch Configuration.
    • On each Nomad Client machine, create /etc/circleci/public-ipv4
    • This file should contain the public (if applicable) or private IP of the nomad client

Jan 15, 2021

Jan 15, 2021

Concurrency and Parallelism Limits Update    

What’s New

Concurrency and parallelism limits have been increased from 40x to 80x for all new and existing Performance Plan customers.

Jan 13, 2021

Jan 13, 2021

Job Insights Export    

What’s New

You may now export the jobs table from the Insights dashboard as a CSV file. Downloaded reports can be used to run additional offline analysis or share with coworkers.

Jan 13, 2021

Jan 13, 2021

Workflow Trends