1. atomicjar/testcontainers-cloud-orb@0.1.0


The testcontainers-cloud-orb will run TestcontainersCloud agent as a background process.
Created: November 15, 2022Version Published: November 15, 2022Releases: 1
Org Usage:
< 25

Orb Quick Start Guide

Use CircleCI version 2.1 at the top of your .circleci/config.yml file.

1 version: 2.1

Add the orbs stanza below your version, invoking the orb:

1 2 orbs: testcontainers-cloud-orb: atomicjar/testcontainers-cloud-orb@0.1.0

Use testcontainers-cloud-orb elements in your existing workflows and jobs.

Opt-in to use of uncertified orbs on your organization’s Security settings page.

Usage Examples


An example demonstrating how to use TestcontainersCloud with a Gradle project.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 version: '2.1' orbs: gradle: circleci/gradle@3.0.0 tcc: atomicjar/testcontainers-cloud-orb@x.y workflows: build_and_test: jobs: - gradle/test: executor: jdk17 pre-steps: - tcc/setup


An example demonstrating how to use TestcontainersCloud with a Maven project.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 version: '2.1' orbs: maven: circleci/maven@1.4.0 tcc: atomicjar/testcontainers-cloud-orb@x.y workflows: build_and_test: jobs: - maven/test: command: verify executor: jdk17 pre-steps: - tcc/setup



This command install Testcontainers Cloud agent and start it as a background process.

Show command Source
Specify the download directory of Testcontainers Cloud Agent. Defaults to /tmp

Orb Source

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 # This code is licensed from CircleCI to the user under the MIT license. # See here for details: https://circleci.com/developer/ja/orbs/licensing version: 2.1 description: | The testcontainers-cloud-orb will run TestcontainersCloud agent as a background process. display: home_url: https://www.testcontainers.cloud/ source_url: https://github.com/AtomicJar/testcontainers-cloud-orb commands: setup: description: | This command install Testcontainers Cloud agent and start it as a background process. parameters: agent-download-dir: default: /tmp description: | Specify the download directory of Testcontainers Cloud Agent. Defaults to /tmp type: string steps: - run: command: | #!/bin/bash # Determine the architecture of the platform suffix=$([[ $(uname -m) == "aarch64" || $(uname -m) == "arm64" ]] && echo "arm64" || echo "x86-64") # Fetch the latest TCC agent version and make it executable curl -L -o /tmp/agent https://app.testcontainers.cloud/download/testcontainers-cloud-agent_linux_"$suffix" chmod +x /tmp/agent environment: PARAM_AGENT_DOWNLOAD_DIR: <<parameters.agent-download-dir>> name: Install TC Agent - run: background: true command: <<parameters.agent-download-dir>>/agent name: Start TC Agent - run: command: <<parameters.agent-download-dir>>/agent wait name: Wait for TC Agent to start examples: gradle-example: description: | An example demonstrating how to use TestcontainersCloud with a Gradle project. usage: version: "2.1" orbs: gradle: circleci/gradle@3.0.0 tcc: atomicjar/testcontainers-cloud-orb@x.y workflows: build_and_test: jobs: - gradle/test: executor: jdk17 pre-steps: - tcc/setup maven-example: description: | An example demonstrating how to use TestcontainersCloud with a Maven project. usage: version: "2.1" orbs: maven: circleci/maven@1.4.0 tcc: atomicjar/testcontainers-cloud-orb@x.y workflows: build_and_test: jobs: - maven/test: command: verify executor: jdk17 pre-steps: - tcc/setup
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