1. conventional-changelog/commitlint@1.0.0


commitlint helps your team adhere to a standard commit convention. Add commit message linting to your CI process to prevent non-standard commit messages from being merged, and provide contrinbutors with details for resolving their PR.
Created: July 26, 2021Version Published: October 22, 2021Releases: 1
Org Usage:
< 25

Orb Quick Start Guide

Use CircleCI version 2.1 at the top of your .circleci/config.yml file.

1 version: 2.1

Add the orbs stanza below your version, invoking the orb:

1 2 orbs: commitlint: conventional-changelog/commitlint@1.0.0

Use commitlint elements in your existing workflows and jobs.

Opt-in to use of uncertified orbs on your organization’s Security settings page.

Usage Examples


Add the `commitlint/lint` job to your existing workflow to quickly and easily begin linting your commit mesages. Ensure you have first added your `commitlint.config.js` file to your project.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 version: '2.1' orbs: commitlint: conventional-changelog/commitlint@1.0 workflows: my-workflow: jobs: - commitlint/lint



Add this lint job to your workflow to easily enable commit message lint checking as a step in your CI process.

Show job Source
Path to commitlint config file
A space-separated list of commitlint config packages to install.
The maximum number of commits to lint.
Specify the NodeJS version used to run the commitlint job. This should not usually need to be changed.
Commits in the current branch will be compared against the target branch for linting. All commits not present in the target branch will be linted.

Orb Source

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 # This code is licensed from CircleCI to the user under the MIT license. # See here for details: https://circleci.com/developer/ja/orbs/licensing version: 2.1 description: | commitlint helps your team adhere to a standard commit convention. Add commit message linting to your CI process to prevent non-standard commit messages from being merged, and provide contrinbutors with details for resolving their PR. display: home_url: https://commitlint.js.org/ source_url: https://github.com/conventional-changelog/commitlint jobs: lint: description: | Add this lint job to your workflow to easily enable commit message lint checking as a step in your CI process. docker: - image: cimg/node:<<parameters.node-version>> parameters: config-path: default: ./commitlint.config.js description: Path to commitlint config file type: string configs: default: '@commitlint/config-conventional' description: A space-separated list of commitlint config packages to install. type: string max-count: default: 10 description: The maximum number of commits to lint. type: integer node-version: default: 16.5.0 description: Specify the NodeJS version used to run the commitlint job. This should not usually need to be changed. type: string target-branch: default: main description: Commits in the current branch will be compared against the target branch for linting. All commits not present in the target branch will be linted. type: string steps: - checkout - run: command: | #!/bin/bash if ! command -v commitlint &> /dev/null then if [[ $EUID == 0 ]]; then export SUDO=""; else export SUDO="sudo"; fi $SUDO npm install -g @commitlint/cli "$CL_PARAM_CONFIGS" fi current_branch="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)" target_branch="$CL_PARAM_TARGET_BRANCH" git_log="$(git log --reverse --max-count="$CL_PARAM_MAX_COUNT" --format="format:%H")" if [ -z "$git_log" ]; then echo "[WARNING] There are no commits in the log to lint." exit 0 fi # If there is only one commit, set target_head to that commit if [ "$(echo "$git_log" | wc -l | xargs)" == "1" ]; then target_head="" elif [ "$current_branch" != "$target_branch" ]; then # Using the ^ at the end git logs lower bound is not inclusive target_head="$(git cherry "$target_branch" | head -1 | cut -d " " -f2-)^" else commit="$(echo "$git_log" | head -1)" target_head="$(git log "$commit^" -1 --pretty=%H)" fi commitlint --verbose --config "$CL_PARAM_CONFIG_PATH" --from="$target_head" environment: CL_PARAM_CONFIG_PATH: <<parameters.config-path>> CL_PARAM_CONFIGS: <<parameters.configs>> CL_PARAM_MAX_COUNT: <<parameters.max-count>> CL_PARAM_NODE_VERSION: <<parameters.node-version>> CL_PARAM_TARGET_BRANCH: <<parameters.target-branch>> name: Run commitlint examples: lint_all_commits: description: | Add the `commitlint/lint` job to your existing workflow to quickly and easily begin linting your commit mesages. Ensure you have first added your `commitlint.config.js` file to your project. usage: version: "2.1" orbs: commitlint: conventional-changelog/commitlint@1.0 workflows: my-workflow: jobs: - commitlint/lint
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