1. ghostinspector/test-runner@1.0.2


Execute your Ghost Inspector browser tests and suites within your CircleCI build environment.
Created: October 30, 2018Version Published: August 6, 2020Releases: 3
Org Usage:
< 25

Orb Quick Start Guide

Use CircleCI version 2.1 at the top of your .circleci/config.yml file.

1 version: 2.1

Add the orbs stanza below your version, invoking the orb:

1 2 orbs: test-runner: ghostinspector/test-runner@1.0.2

Use test-runner elements in your existing workflows and jobs.

Opt-in to use of uncertified orbs on your organization’s Security settings page.

Usage Examples


Same Ghost Inspector test execution.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 version: 2.1 orbs: ghostinspector: ghostinspector/test-runner@1.0.2 jobs: build: executor: ghostinspector/default steps: - ghostinspector/execute-test: id: <my-test-id> extra-params: '{"foo": "bar", "other": "var"}' wait: true


Sample Ghost Inspector suite execution.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 version: 2.1 orbs: ghostinspector: ghostinspector/test-runner@1.0.2 jobs: build: executor: default steps: - ghostinspector/execute-suite: id: <my-suite-id> extra-params: '{"myVar": "foo", "otherVar": "bar"}' wait: true


Execute a Ghost Inspector test suite against a your dockerized application container.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 version: 2.1 orbs: ghostinspector: ghostinspector/test-runner@1.0.2 executors: docker-executor: docker: - image: docker:17.05.0-ce-git jobs: build_and_test: executor: docker-executor steps: - setup_remote_docker - run: name: Set up temporary docker network command: docker network create my-docker-network - run: name: >- Start your application container, specifying application port and docker network command: | docker run -d \ -e PORT=8080 \ --network my-docker-network \ --name my-app \ my-docker-image - ghostinspector/test-docker-app: api-key: <my-ghost-inspector-api-key> suite-id: <my-ghost-inspector-suite-id> network: my-docker-network vpn-token: <my-ngrok-token> vpn-target: my-docker-image:8080



Trigger your Ghost Inspector test from a CircleCI build, passing in the test `id`, optional `extra-params` required for your test, and optional `start-url`. Your `api-key` will be read from the environment variable `$GI_API_KEY` if set, or can be provided explicitly in the `ghostinspector/execute-test` command with the `api-key` parameter. By specifying `wait` as `true` the test runner will pass or fail your build with the status of your test. It is recommended that you use the `ghostinspector/default` executor to run this command, however if you wish to use a different executor, simply ensure that `curl` and `jq` are installed and available on the `$PATH`.

Show command Source
Your Ghost Inspector API key.
ID of the Ghost Inspector test to execute.
(optional) Modify the start URL to execute your test against.
(optional) Extra parameters to POST to the execute endpoint, in JSON format, defaults to `{}`.
(optional) Wait for the test execution to complete before proceeding, defaults to `false`.


Trigger your Ghost Inspector suite from a CircleCI build, passing in the suite `id`, optional `extra-params` required for your suite, and optional `start-url`. Your `api-key` will be read from the environment variable `$GI_API_KEY` if set, or can be provided explicitly in the `ghostinspector/execute-suite` command with the `api-key` parameter. By specifying `wait` as `true` the test runner will pass or fail your build with the status of your suite. It is recommended that you use the `ghostinspector/default` executor to run this command, however if you wish to use a different executor, simply ensure that `curl` and `jq` are installed and available on the `$PATH`.

Show command Source
Your Ghost Inspector API key.
ID of the Ghost Inspector suite to execute.
(optional) Modify the start URL to execute your suite against.
(optional) Extra parameters to POST to the execute endpoint, in JSON format, defaults to `{}`.
(optional) Wait for the suite execution to complete before proceeding, defaults to `false`.


Execute a Ghost Inspector test suite against a running application container by passing the command the `vpn-target` of your running application. Specify the Ghost Inspector `suite-id` you wish to run against your application and provide any `extra-params` as a JSON string to pass into your test suite at run time. Your `api-key` will be read from the environment variable `$GI_API_KEY` if set, or can be provided explicitly in the `ghostinspector/test-standalone-app` command with the `api-key` parameter.

Show command Source
Your Ghost Inspector API key.
The ID of the Ghost Inspector test suite to execute.
(optional) Extra parameters to POST to the execute endpoint, in JSON format, defaults to `{}`.
Your ngrok API key.
A combination of the container hostname (from the `--name` argument used to start the container) and port on your docker container where the application under test may be reached, example `my-app:8000`.
The name of the docker network (from the `--network` argument used to start the container) attached to your running application container.


Orb Source

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then START_URL='&startUrl=<< parameters.start-url >>' fi EXECUTE_URL="https://api.ghostinspector.com/v1/<< parameters.endpoint >>s/<< parameters.id >>/execute/?apiKey=<< parameters.api-key >>&immediate=1$START_URL" echo "Execute URL: $EXECUTE_URL" # TODO: test json params with jq EXECUTE_RESULT=$(curl -s -XPOST -H'Content-Type: application/json' -d'<< parameters.extra-params >>' "$EXECUTE_URL") if [ '<< parameters.wait >>' == 'false' ]; then # if we're not waiting for a result, execute echo $EXECUTE_RESULT exit 0 else # initialize variables STATUS='null' PASSING= # parse result ID from execution RESULT_ID=$(echo $EXECUTE_RESULT | jq -r '.data._id') # Poll for the suite result, sleep for a few seconds if it hasn't changed echo "Polling for << parameters.endpoint >> results (ID: $RESULT_ID)" RESULTS_ENDPOINT='results' if [ '<< parameters.endpoint >>' == 'suite' ]; then RESULTS_ENDPOINT='suite-results' fi while [ "$STATUS" == 'null' ]; do sleep 5 FINAL_STATUS=$(curl -s "https://api.ghostinspector.com/v1/$RESULTS_ENDPOINT/$RESULT_ID/?apiKey=<< parameters.api-key >>") STATUS=$(echo $FINAL_STATUS | jq -r '.data.passing') # echo " - status: $STATUS" done # status has been updated, check results for "passing" if [ "$(echo $FINAL_STATUS | jq -r '.data.passing')" != 'true' ]; then echo "Suite failed! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯" PASSING=1 else echo "Suite passed! \o/" PASSING=0 fi # return our passing status exit $PASSING fi commands: execute-test: description: | Trigger your Ghost Inspector test from a CircleCI build, passing in the test `id`, optional `extra-params` required for your test, and optional `start-url`. Your `api-key` will be read from the environment variable `$GI_API_KEY` if set, or can be provided explicitly in the `ghostinspector/execute-test` command with the `api-key` parameter. By specifying `wait` as `true` the test runner will pass or fail your build with the status of your test. It is recommended that you use the `ghostinspector/default` executor to run this command, however if you wish to use a different executor, simply ensure that `curl` and `jq` are installed and available on the `$PATH`. parameters: api-key: type: string description: Your Ghost Inspector API key. default: $GI_API_KEY id: type: string description: ID of the Ghost Inspector test to execute. start-url: type: string description: (optional) Modify the start URL to execute your test against. default: '' extra-params: type: string description: (optional) Extra parameters to POST to the execute endpoint, in JSON format, defaults to `{}`. default: '{}' wait: type: boolean description: (optional) Wait for the test execution to complete before proceeding, defaults to `false`. default: false steps: - internal/execute: endpoint: test api-key: << parameters.api-key >> id: << parameters.id >> start-url: << parameters.start-url >> extra-params: << parameters.extra-params >> wait: << parameters.wait >> execute-suite: description: | Trigger your Ghost Inspector suite from a CircleCI build, passing in the suite `id`, optional `extra-params` required for your suite, and optional `start-url`. Your `api-key` will be read from the environment variable `$GI_API_KEY` if set, or can be provided explicitly in the `ghostinspector/execute-suite` command with the `api-key` parameter. By specifying `wait` as `true` the test runner will pass or fail your build with the status of your suite. It is recommended that you use the `ghostinspector/default` executor to run this command, however if you wish to use a different executor, simply ensure that `curl` and `jq` are installed and available on the `$PATH`. parameters: api-key: type: string description: Your Ghost Inspector API key. default: $GI_API_KEY id: type: string description: ID of the Ghost Inspector suite to execute. start-url: type: string description: (optional) Modify the start URL to execute your suite against. default: '' extra-params: type: string description: (optional) Extra parameters to POST to the execute endpoint, in JSON format, defaults to `{}`. default: '{}' wait: type: boolean description: (optional) Wait for the suite execution to complete before proceeding, defaults to `false`. default: false steps: - internal/execute: endpoint: suite api-key: << parameters.api-key >> id: << parameters.id >> start-url: << parameters.start-url >> extra-params: << parameters.extra-params >> wait: << parameters.wait >> test-standalone-app: description: | Execute a Ghost Inspector test suite against a running application container by passing the command the `vpn-target` of your running application. Specify the Ghost Inspector `suite-id` you wish to run against your application and provide any `extra-params` as a JSON string to pass into your test suite at run time. Your `api-key` will be read from the environment variable `$GI_API_KEY` if set, or can be provided explicitly in the `ghostinspector/test-standalone-app` command with the `api-key` parameter. parameters: api-key: description: Your Ghost Inspector API key. type: string default: $GI_API_KEY suite-id: description: The ID of the Ghost Inspector test suite to execute. type: string extra-params: type: string description: (optional) Extra parameters to POST to the execute endpoint, in JSON format, defaults to `{}`. default: '{}' vpn-token: description: Your ngrok API key. type: string default: $GI_VPN_TOKEN vpn-target: description: | A combination of the container hostname (from the `--name` argument used to start the container) and port on your docker container where the application under test may be reached, example `my-app:8000`. type: string network: description: | The name of the docker network (from the `--network` argument used to start the container) attached to your running application container. type: string steps: - run: name: Execute Ghost Inspector test suite command: | docker pull ghostinspector/test-runner-standalone:latest docker run \ -e NGROK_TOKEN=<< parameters.vpn-token >> \ -e GI_API_KEY=<< parameters.api-key >> \ -e GI_SUITE=<< parameters.suite-id >> \ -e GI_PARAMS_JSON='<< parameters.extra-params >>' \ -e APP_PORT=<< parameters.vpn-target >> \ --network << parameters.network >> \ ghostinspector/test-runner-standalone:latest executors: default: docker: - image: ghostinspector/test-runner-standalone
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