Caching strategies

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This document is applicable to CircleCI Cloud
Server v4+
This document is applicable to CircleCI Server v4+

Caching is one of the most effective ways to make jobs faster on CircleCI. By reusing the data from previous jobs, you also reduce the cost of fetch operations. Caching is project-specific, and using caching strategies helps to optimize caches for effectiveness and storage capacity.

Cache storage customization

When using self-hosted runners, there is a network and storage usage limit included in your plan. There are certain actions related to artifacts that will accrue network and storage usage. Once your usage exceeds your limit, charges will apply.

Retaining caches for a long period of time will have storage cost implications. It is best to determine why you are retaining caches, and how long caches need to be retained for your use case. To lower costs, consider a lower storage retention for caches, if that suits your needs.

You can customize storage usage retention periods for caches on the CircleCI web app by navigating to Plan  Usage Controls. For information on managing network and storage usage, see the Persisting Data page.

Cache optimization

When setting up caches for your projects, the goal is a 10x - 20x ROI (return on investment). This means you are aiming for a situation where the amount of cache restored is 10x - 20x the cache saved. The following tips can help you achieve this.

Avoid strict cache keys

Using cache keys that are too strict can mean that you will get a minimal number of cache hits for a workflow. For example, if you used the key CIRCLE_SHA1 (SHA of the last commit of the current pipeline), this would get matched once for a workflow. Consider using cache keys that are less strict to ensure more cache hits.

Avoid unnecessary workflow reruns

If your project has "flaky tests," workflows might be rerun unnecessarily. This will both use up your credits and increase your storage usage. To avoid this situation, address flaky tests. For help with identifying them, see Test Insights.

You can also consider configuring your projects to rerun failed jobs rather than entire workflows. To achieve this you can use the when step. For further information, see the Configuration Reference.

Split cache keys by directory

Having multiple directories under a single cache key increases the chance of there being a change to the cache. In the example below, there may be changes in the first two directories but no changes in the a or b directory. Saving all four directories under one cache key increases the potential storage usage. The cache restore step will also take longer than needed as all four sets of files will be restored.

      - save_cache:
            - /mnt/ramdisk/node_modules
            - /mnt/ramdisk/.cache/yarn
            - /mnt/ramdisk/apps/a/node_modules
            - /mnt/ramdisk/apps/b/node_modules
          key: v1-node-{{ checksum "package.json" }}

Combine jobs when possible

As an example, a workflow including three jobs running in parallel:

  • lint (20 seconds)

  • code-cov (30 seconds)

  • test (8 minutes)

All running a similar set of steps:

  • checkout

  • restore cache

  • build

  • save cache

  • run command

The lint and code-cov jobs could be combined with no affect on workflow length, but saving on duplicate steps.

Order jobs to create meaningful workflows

If no job ordering is used in a workflow, all jobs run concurrently. If all the jobs have a save_cache step, they could be uploading files multiple times. Consider reordering jobs in a workflow so subsequent jobs can make use of assets created in previous jobs.

Check for language-specific caching tips

Check partial dependency caching strategies to see if there are tips for the language you are using.

Check cache is being restored as well as saved

If you find that a cache is not restored, see this support article for tips.

Cache unused or superfluous dependencies

Depending on what language and package management system you are using, you may be able to leverage tools that clear or prune unnecessary dependencies.

For example, the node-prune package removes unnecessary files (Markdown, TypeScript files, etc.) from node_modules.

Check if jobs need pruning

If you notice your cache usage is high and would like to reduce it:

  • Search for the save_cache and restore_cache commands in your .circleci/config.yml file to find all jobs utilizing caching and determine if their cache(s) need pruning.

  • Narrow the scope of a cache from a large directory to a smaller subset of specific files.

  • Ensure that your cache key is following best practices:

          - save_cache:
              key: brew-{{epoch}}
                - /Users/distiller/Library/Caches/Homebrew
                - /usr/local/Homebrew

    Notice in the above example that best practices are not followed. brew- will change every build causing an upload every time even if the value has not changed. This will cost you money, and never save you any time. Instead pick a cache key like the following:

          - save_cache:
              key: brew-{{checksum “Brewfile”}}
                - /Users/distiller/Library/Caches/Homebrew
                - /usr/local/Homebrew

    This will change if the list of requested dependencies changes. If you find that this is not uploading a new cache often enough, include the version numbers in your dependencies.

  • Let your cache be slightly out of date. In contrast to the suggestion above where we ensured that a new cache would be uploaded any time a new dependency was added to your lockfile or version of the dependency changed, use something that tracks it less precisely.

  • Prune your cache before you upload it, but make sure you prune whatever generates your cache key as well.

Partial dependency caching strategies

Some dependency managers do not properly handle installing on top of partially restored dependency trees.

      - restore_cache:
            - gem-cache-{{ arch }}-{{ .Branch }}-{{ checksum "Gemfile.lock" }}
            - gem-cache-{{ arch }}-{{ .Branch }}
            - gem-cache

In the above example, if a dependency tree is partially restored by the second or third cache keys, some dependency managers will incorrectly install on top of the outdated dependency tree.

Instead of a cascading fallback, a more stable option is a single version-prefixed cache key:

      - restore_cache:
            - v1-gem-cache-{{ arch }}-{{ .Branch }}-{{ checksum "Gemfile.lock" }}

Since caches are immutable, this strategy allows you to regenerate all of your caches by incrementing the version. This is useful in the following scenarios:

  • When you change the version of a dependency manager like npm.

  • When you change the version of a language like Ruby.

  • When you add or remove dependencies from your project.

The stability of partial dependency caching relies on your dependency manager. Below is a list of common dependency managers, recommended partial caching strategies, and associated justifications.

Bundler (Ruby)

Safe to Use Partial Cache Restoration? Yes (with caution).

Since Bundler uses system gems that are not explicitly specified, it is non-deterministic, and partial cache restoration can be unreliable.

To prevent this behavior, add a step that cleans Bundler before restoring dependencies from cache.

      - restore_cache:
            # when lock file changes, use increasingly general patterns to restore cache
            - v1-gem-cache-{{ arch }}-{{ .Branch }}-{{ checksum "Gemfile.lock" }}
            - v1-gem-cache-{{ arch }}-{{ .Branch }}-
            - v1-gem-cache-{{ arch }}-
      - run: bundle install
      - run: bundle clean --force
      - save_cache:
            - ~/.bundle
          key: v1-gem-cache-{{ arch }}-{{ .Branch }}-{{ checksum "Gemfile.lock" }}

Gradle (Java)

Safe to Use Partial Cache Restoration? Yes.

Gradle repositories are intended to be centralized, shared, and massive. Partial caches can be restored without impacting which libraries are added to classpaths of generated artifacts.

      - restore_cache:
            # when lock file changes, use increasingly general patterns to restore cache
            - gradle-repo-v1-{{ .Branch }}-{{ checksum "dependencies.lockfile" }}
            - gradle-repo-v1-{{ .Branch }}-
            - gradle-repo-v1-
      - save_cache:
            - ~/.gradle/caches
            - ~/.gradle/wrapper
          key: gradle-repo-v1-{{ .Branch }}-{{ checksum "dependencies.lockfile" }}

Maven (Java) and Leiningen (Clojure)

Safe to Use Partial Cache Restoration? Yes.

Maven repositories are intended to be centralized, shared, and massive. Partial caches can be restored without impacting which libraries are added to classpaths of generated artifacts.

Since Leiningen uses Maven under the hood, it behaves in a similar way.

      - restore_cache:
            # when lock file changes, use increasingly general patterns to restore cache
            - maven-repo-v1-{{ .Branch }}-{{ checksum "pom.xml" }}
            - maven-repo-v1-{{ .Branch }}-
            - maven-repo-v1-
      - save_cache:
            - ~/.m2/repository
          key: maven-repo-v1-{{ .Branch }}-{{ checksum "pom.xml" }}

npm (Node)

Safe to Use Partial Cache Restoration? Yes (with NPM5+).

With NPM5+ and a lock file, you can safely use partial cache restoration.

      - restore_cache:
            # when lock file changes, use increasingly general patterns to restore cache
            - node-v1-{{ .Branch }}-{{ checksum "package-lock.json" }}
            - node-v1-{{ .Branch }}-
            - node-v1-
      - save_cache:
            - ~/usr/local/lib/node_modules  # location depends on npm version
          key: node-v1-{{ .Branch }}-{{ checksum "package-lock.json" }}

pip (Python)

Safe to Use Partial Cache Restoration? Yes (with Pipenv).

Pip can use files that are not explicitly specified in requirements.txt. Using Pipenv will include explicit versioning in a lock file.

      - restore_cache:
            # when lock file changes, use increasingly general patterns to restore cache
            - pip-packages-v1-{{ .Branch }}-{{ checksum "Pipfile.lock" }}
            - pip-packages-v1-{{ .Branch }}-
            - pip-packages-v1-
      - save_cache:
            - ~/.local/share/virtualenvs/venv  # this path depends on where pipenv creates a virtualenv
          key: pip-packages-v1-{{ .Branch }}-{{ checksum "Pipfile.lock" }}

Yarn (Node)

Safe to Use Partial Cache Restoration? Yes.

Yarn has always used a lock file for the reasons explained above.

      - restore_cache:
            # when lock file changes, use increasingly general patterns to restore cache
            - yarn-packages-v1-{{ .Branch }}-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }}
            - yarn-packages-v1-{{ .Branch }}-
            - yarn-packages-v1-
      - save_cache:
            - ~/.cache/yarn
          key: yarn-packages-v1-{{ .Branch }}-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }}

We recommend using yarn --frozen-lockfile --cache-folder ~/.cache/yarn for two reasons:

  • --frozen-lockfile ensures a whole new lockfile is created and it also ensures your lockfile is not altered. This allows for the checksum to stay relevant and your dependencies should identically match what you use in development.

  • The default cache location depends on OS. --cache-folder ~/.cache/yarn ensures you are explicitly matching your cache save location.

Caching strategy tradeoffs

In cases where the build tools for your language include elegant handling of dependencies, partial cache restores may be preferable to zero cache restores for performance reasons. If you get a zero cache restore, you have to reinstall all your dependencies, which can cause reduced performance. One alternative is to get a large percentage of your dependencies from an older cache, instead of starting from zero.

However, for other language types, partial caches carry the risk of creating code dependencies that are not aligned with your declared dependencies and do not break until you run a build without a cache. If the dependencies change infrequently, consider listing the zero cache restore key first. Then, track the costs over time.

If the performance costs of zero cache restores (also referred to as a cache miss) prove significant over time, only then consider adding a partial cache restore key.

Listing multiple keys for restoring a cache increases the chances of a partial cache hit. However, broadening your restore_cache scope to a wider history increases the risk of confusing failures. For example, if you have dependencies for Node v6 on an upgrade branch, but your other branches are still on Node v5, a restore_cache step that searches other branches might restore incompatible dependencies.

Using a lock file

Language dependency manager lockfiles (for example, Gemfile.lock or yarn.lock) checksums may be a useful cache key.

An alternative is to run the command ls -laR your-deps-dir > deps_checksum and reference it with {{ checksum "deps_checksum" }}. For example, in Python, to get a more specific cache than the checksum of your requirements.txt file, you could install the dependencies within a virtualenv in the project root venv and then run the command ls -laR venv > python_deps_checksum.

Using multiple caches for different languages

It is also possible to lower the cost of a cache miss by splitting your job across multiple caches. By specifying multiple restore_cache steps with different keys, each cache is reduced in size, thereby reducing the performance impact of a cache miss.

Consider splitting caches by language type (npm, pip, or bundler), if you know the following:

  • How each dependency manager stores its files

  • How it upgrades

  • How it checks dependencies

Caching expensive steps

Certain languages and frameworks include more expensive steps that can and should be cached. Scala and Elixir are two examples where caching the compilation steps will be especially effective. Rails developers could also notice a performance boost from caching frontend assets.

Do not cache everything, but do consider caching for costly steps like compilation.