Deploy to Azure Container Registry

1 week ago1 min read
Last updated • Read time
This document is applicable to CircleCI Cloud
Server v4+
This document is applicable to CircleCI Server v4+

In this how-to guide, you will learn how to configure CircleCI to deploy to Azure Container Registry.


This page describes a simple deployment to the Azure Container Registry (ACR) using the CircleCI ACR orb and version 2.1 configuration.

To take advantage of secrets masking, it is best practice to set environment variables at the project level or within a context.

In addition to the orb described below, CircleCI has created an Azure convenience image focusing on deployment: cimg/azure.

For detailed information about the Azure ACR orb, including all options, refer to the CircleCI ACR Orb Reference page.

1. Provide environment variables to CircleCI

Whether your require a user or service principal login, you will need to provide environment variables for username, password and tenant to CircleCI. For user logins use environment variable names as follows:




For service principal logins use:




2. Deploy to ACR

Use the orb’s build-and-push-image job to build your image and deploy it to ACR. Note the use of workflows to deploy only if the current branch is main.

Make sure to replace any placeholder versions in the example.

version: 2.1 # Use version 2.1 config to get access to orbs, pipelines

  azure-acr: circleci/azure-acr@0.2.2 # Use the Azure ACR orb in your config

      - azure-acr/build-and-push-image:
          dockerfile: <name-of-your-dockerfile> # defaults to `Dockerfile`
          path: <path-to-your-dockerfile> # Defaults to working directory
          login-server-name: <your-login-server-name> # e.g. {yourregistryname}
          registry-name: <your-ACR-registry-name>
          repo: <URI-to-your-login-server-name>
              only: main # Only deploys when the commit is on the `main` branch

If pushing to your repository is required, see the "Deployment Keys" section of the GitHub or Bitbucket Cloud instructions. Then, configure the Azure Web App to use your production branch.