Deploy to Cloud Foundry

1 week ago1 min read
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This document is applicable to CircleCI Cloud
Server v4+
This document is applicable to CircleCI Server v4+

In this how-to guide, you will learn how to configure CircleCI to deploy to Cloud Foundry.


Cloud Foundry deployments require the Cloud Foundry CLI. Be sure to match the architecture to your Docker image (the commands below assume you are using a Debian-based image). This example pattern implements "Blue-Green" deployments using Cloud Foundry’s map-route/unmap-route commands, which is an optional feature above and beyond a basic cf push.

1. Install the CLI

      - run:
          name: Setup CF CLI
          command: |
            curl -v -L -o cf-cli_amd64.deb ""
            sudo dpkg -i cf-cli_amd64.deb
            cf -v
            cf api  # alternately target your private Cloud Foundry deployment
            cf auth "$CF_USER" "$CF_PASSWORD"
            cf target -o "$CF_ORG" -s "$CF_SPACE"

2. Dark deployment

This example is the first step in a Blue-Green deployment, pushing the application to non-production routes.

      - run:
          name: CF Deploy
          command: |
            # push artifacts on "dark" subdomain, and set environment variables before running `cf start`.
            cf push --no-start <app-name-dark> -f manifest.yml -p application.jar -n dark -d <>
            # Pass CircleCI variables to Cloud Foundry (optional)
            cf set-env <app-name-dark> circle_build_num ${CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM}
            cf set-env <app-name-dark> circle_commit ${CIRCLE_SHA1}
            cf set-env <app-name-dark> circle_workflow_guid ${CIRCLE_WORKFLOW_ID}
            cf set-env <app-name-dark> circle_user ${CIRCLE_PROJECT_USERNAME}
            cf set-env <app-name-dark> circle_repo ${CIRCLE_PROJECT_REPONAME}
            # Start the application
            cf start <app-name-dark>
            # Ensure dark route is exclusive to dark app
            cf unmap-route <app-name> <> -n dark || echo "Dark Route Already exclusive"

3. Live deployment

Until now, the previously pushed "app-name" has not changed. The final step is to route the production URL to our dark application, stop traffic to the previous version, and rename the applications.

      - run:
          name: Re-route live Domain to latest
          command: |
            # Send "real" url to new version
            cf map-route app-name-dark -n www
            # Stop sending traffic to previous version
            cf unmap-route app-name -n www
            # stop previous version
            cf stop app-name
            # delete previous version
            cf delete app-name -f
            # Switch name of "dark" version to claim correct name
            cf rename app-name-dark app-name

4. Manual approval (optional)

For additional control or validation, you can add a manual "hold" step between the dark and live steps as shown in the sample workflow below.

      - test
      - dark-deploy:
            - test
              only: main
      - hold:
          type: approval
            - dark-deploy
              only: main
      - live-deploy:
            - hold # manual approval required via the CircleCI UI to run the live-deploy job
              only: main