Update the Kubernetes release agent
On This Page
Follow the steps on this page to update the release agent installed in your Kubernetes cluster.
Refer to the CircleCI Change log to find out about new release agent versioning, updates, and fixes.
To update the Kubernetes release agent you need an operational CircleCI release environment integrated with your Kubernetes cluster. Refer to the following pages for steps:
If you were using the release agent prior to version Support for the old labels will be dropped in one of the next releases. After migrating to the new labels, rolling back to versions that used the old labels will be supported only for deployments and Rollouts managed through Helm. |
Update steps
Update your local Helm cache:
helm repo update
Upgrade to the new version:
helm upgrade --install circleci-release-agent-system release-agent/circleci-release-agent \ --set tokenSecret.token=[YOUR_CCI_INTEGRATION_TOKEN] --create-namespace \ --namespace circleci-release-agent-system \ --set managedNamespaces="{namespace1,namespace2}"