Phase 5 - Test your installation
6 months ago1 min read
Server v4.1
Server Admin
Test your air-gapped installation using CircleCI’s Reality Check project.
1. Copy CircleCI server Reality Check
Copy the CircleCI server Reality Check repository to your GitHub Enterprise installation in your air-gapped environment.
2. Set up CircleCI server Reality Check
Set up CircleCI server Reality Check using the instructions in the readme.
Make sure to set the CIRCLE_CLOUD_PROVIDER environment variable to other . |
3. Modify Reality Check source code
Replace any references to Docker images in .circleci/config.yml with your internal Docker registry.
For example, in your GitHub enterprise instance, change the following:
- image: python:3.6.0
- image: <your-internal-registry-hostname-and-port>/python:3.6.0
Leave image values nested under "machine" as is. Only modify Docker image values. |
4. Run Reality Check
Run Reality Check by pushing a commit to it in your GitHub Enterprise installation.
the aws_jobs and gcp_jobs workflows will be cancelled automatically due to the CIRCLE_CLOUD_PROVIDER environment variable being set to other . |