Phase 4 - Configure Nomad clients

6 months ago1 min read
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Server v4.5
This document is applicable to CircleCI Server v4.5
Server Admin
This document is applicable to CircleCI Server Admin

CircleCI server uses Nomad clients to perform container-based build actions. These machines will need to exist within the air-gapped environment to communicate with the CircleCI server Helm deployment.

1. Install Docker and Nomad

Install the following two prerequisites on each instance designated as a Nomad client:

2. Create Nomad directories

On each machine, create a config directory. If your installation uses mTLS, also create a nested SSL directory:

sudo mkdir /etc/nomad/
sudo mkdir /etc/nomad/ssl/

3. Create the Docker ci-privileged network

Create a Docker network named ci-privileged with the following command. Once complete, restart the Nomad service.

sudo docker network create --label keep --driver=bridge --opt ci-privileged

sudo service nomad restart

4. (Optional) Retrieve mTLS certificates

If Nomad mTLS is configured on your installation, you will need to provide three files to each Nomad client. If mTLS is not configured, you can skip this step.

  • ca.pem

  • key.pem

  • cert.pem

These files can be retrieved from a secret in the namespace of the CircleCI server Helm installation (nomad-rpc-mtls) using the following command:

kubectl get secret -n <namespace> nomad-rpc-mtls -o yaml > secret.yaml

This command will output the secret.yaml file to stdout. Each required file (ca.pem, key.pem, cert.pem) is stored as a base64 encoded string within the secret. Each string must be copied, decoded, and placed in a file in each of your Nomad clients.

# For each of ca.pem, key.pem, cert.pem in the secret output
echo -n "ca.pem-base64-encoded-string" | base64 --decode > ca.pem
echo -n "cert.pem-base64-encoded-string" | base64 --decode > cert.pem
echo -n "key.pem-base64-encoded-string" | base64 --decode > key.pem

5. (Optional) Copy mTLS keys to each Nomad client

If using mTLS, the ca.pem, key.pem, and cert.pem keys must be copied to each client and placed in the locations listed below. If mTLS is not configured, you can skip this step.


6. Configure the Nomad conf.hcl file on each machine

For each Nomad client, configure the following conf.hcl file at /etc/nomad/conf.hcl. Remember to replace all items displayed between < >.

log_level = "DEBUG"
name = "<instance-hostname>"
data_dir = "/opt/nomad"
datacenter = "default"
advertise {
  http = "<instance-internal-ip>"
  rpc = "<instance-internal-ip>"
  serf = "<instance-internal-ip>"

client {
  enabled = true
  server_join = {
    retry_join = ["<kubernetes-cluster-internal-ip>:4647"]
  node_class = "linux-64bit"
  options = {"driver.raw_exec.enable" = "1"}

telemetry {
  collection_interval = "1s"
  disable_hostname = true
  prometheus_metrics = true
  publish_allocation_metrics = true
  publish_node_metrics = true

If mTLS is configured, the following block must also be added at the end of the conf.hcl file:

tls {
  http = false
  rpc  = true
  verify_server_hostname = true
  ca_file       = "/etc/nomad/ssl/ca.pem"
  cert_file = "/etc/nomad/ssl/cert.pem"
  key_file      = "/etc/nomad/ssl/key.pem"

7. Test connectivity

Test connectivity between your clients and cluster by starting the Nomad agent and observing logs.

sudo nomad agent -config /etc/nomad/conf.hcl

Next steps

Once the steps on this page are complete, go to the Phase 5 - Test your installation guide.