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  • cimg/redis
  • Getting Started
  • How This Image Works
  • Image Tags
  1. Convenience Images
  2. cimg/redis



This image is designed to supersede the legacy CircleCI Redis image, circleci/redis.

cimg/redis is a Docker image created by CircleCI with continuous integration builds in mind.

Getting Started

This image can be used with the CircleCI docker executor as a secondary image. For example:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 jobs: build: docker: - image: cimg/go:1.17 - image: cimg/redis:6.2.6 steps: - checkout

In the above example, the CircleCI Go Docker image is used for the primary container while the Redis image is used as a secondary. More specifically, the tag 6.2.6 is used meaning the version of Redis will be v6.2.6. You can now connect to a Redis instance from the primary image within the steps for this job.

How This Image Works

This image contains the Redis database and its complete toolchain.

Tagging Scheme

This image has the following tagging scheme:


<redis-version> - The version of Redis to use.

Image Tags

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