1. thefrontside/react@0.2.0


Production ready workflow for testing and building React.js applications. Full orb source code: https://github.com/thefrontside/circleci-react-orb
Created: February 23, 2019Version Published: February 26, 2019Releases: 7
Org Usage:
< 25

Orb Quick Start Guide

Use CircleCI version 2.1 at the top of your .circleci/config.yml file.

1 version: 2.1

Add the orbs stanza below your version, invoking the orb:

1 2 orbs: react: thefrontside/react@0.2.0

Use react elements in your existing workflows and jobs.

Opt-in to use of uncertified orbs on your organization’s Security settings page.

Usage Examples


Run tests and generate coverage report on every push

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 orbs: react: thefrontside/react@dev:alpha version: 2.1 workflows: push: jobs: - react/install - react/eslint: requires: - react/install - react/stylelint: requires: - react/install - react/test: requires: - react/install - react/coverage: requires: - react/install



Build the application in production mode. The built assets are stored in artifacts.

Show job Source


Run the tests and generate coverage reports. The results are stored into artifacts.

Show job Source


Run ESLint on the source code. The generated report is stored in artifacts.

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Install dependencies. Checkout is called before install. (Optional) To prevent checkout from being called, pass your steps to before_install.

Show job Source
Steps to be executed before restoring cache and running install. Default is to run 'checkout' command.
[sequence of length 1] see source


Run stylelint command on CSS files. The result is stored in artifacts.

Show job Source


Run tests and show results in the test summary.

Show job Source



Create a production build

Show command Source


Generate coverage report using Jest and Istanbul

Show command Source


Install dependencies

Show command Source


Lint style files

Show command Source


Run tests using Jest

Show command Source



Node 10 runtime environment

Show executor Source

Orb Source

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