Deploy to AWS
On This Page
- Introduction
- Deploy to S3 using the AWS S3 orb
- 1. Create IAM user
- 2. Add AWS access keys
- 3. Deploy using orb
- Deploy to S3 without orbs
- 1. Create IAM user
- 2. Add AWS access keys
- 3. Create deploy job
- 4. Install the AWS CLI
- 5. Deploy with the AWS CLI
- Deploy Docker image to AWS ECR
- Update an AWS ECS instance
- AWS CodeDeploy
In this how-to guide, you will learn how to configure CircleCI to deploy to Amazon Web Services.
This page covers deployment to S3, ECR/ECS (Elastic Container Registry/Elastic Container Service), as well as application deployment using AWS Code Deploy.
For more detailed information about the AWS S3, ECS, ECR, and CodeDeploy orbs, refer to the following orb registry pages:
In addition to the orb described below, CircleCI has created an AWS convenience image focusing deployment: cimg/aws
Deploy to S3 using the AWS S3 orb
For detailed information about the AWS S3 orb, refer to the CircleCI AWS S3 Orb Reference page. This section details the use of the AWS S3 orb and version: 2.1
configuration for simple deployment, below we will look at the same example without orbs and using version: 2
1. Create IAM user
For security best practice, create a new IAM user specifically for CircleCI.
2. Add AWS access keys
Add your AWS access keys to CircleCI – store your Access Key ID in a variable called AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
and your Secret Access Key in a variable called AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
3. Deploy using orb
Use the orb’s sync
command to deploy. Note the use of workflows to deploy only if the build
job passes and the current branch is main
Make sure to replace any placeholder versions in the example.
version: 2.1
aws-s3: circleci/aws-s3@4.1.0 # use the AWS S3 orb in your configuration
workflows: # Define a Workflow running the build job, then the deploy job
build-deploy: # Make a workflow to build and deploy your project
- build
- deploy:
- build # Only run deploy job once the build job has completed
only: main # Only deploy when the commit is on the Main branch
jobs: # Define the build and deploy jobs
docker: # Use the Docker executor for the build job
- image: <image-name-and-tag> # Specify the Docker image to use for the build job
- checkout # build job steps omitted for brevity
docker: # Use the Docker executor for the deploy job
- image: <image-name-and-tag> # Specify the Docker image to use for the deploy job
- checkout
- aws-s3/sync:
from: bucket
to: 's3://my-s3-bucket-name/prefix'
arguments: | # Optional arguments
--acl public-read \
--cache-control "max-age=86400"
Deploy to S3 without orbs
1. Create IAM user
For security best practice, create a new IAM user specifically for CircleCI.
2. Add AWS access keys
Add your AWS access keys to CircleCI – store your Access Key ID in a variable called AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
and your Secret Access Key in a variable called AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
3. Create deploy job
In your .circleci/config.yml
file, create a new deploy
job. In the deploy
job, add a step to install awscli
in your primary container.
4. Install the AWS CLI
Install awscli
in your primary container by following the AWS CLI documentation.
5. Deploy with the AWS CLI
Use the AWS CLI to deploy your application to S3 or perform other AWS operations. Note the use of workflows to deploy only if the build job passes and the current branch is main
Make sure to replace any placeholder versions in the example.
version: 2.1
workflows: # Define a Workflow running the build job, then the deploy job
- build
- deploy:
- build
only: main # Only deploys when the commit is on the Main branch
docker: # Specify executor for running build job - this example uses a Docker container
- image: <docker-image-name-tag> # Specify docker image to use
... # build job steps omitted for brevity
docker: # Specify executor for running deploy job
- image: <docker-image-name-tag> # Specify docker image to use
- run: # Install the AWS CLI if it is not already included in the docker image
name: Install awscli
command: sudo pip install awscli
- run: # Deploy to S3 using the sync command
name: Deploy to S3
command: aws s3 sync <path/to/bucket> <s3://location/in/S3-to-deploy-to>
For a complete list of AWS CLI commands and options, see the AWS CLI Command Reference.
Deploy Docker image to AWS ECR
The AWS ECR orb enables you to log into AWS, build, and then push a Docker image to AWS Elastic Container Registry with minimal config. See the orb registry page for a full list of parameters, jobs, commands and options.
Using the build_and_push_image
job (shown below) requires the following environment variables to be set: AWS_ECR_ACCOUNT_URL
Make sure to replace any placeholder versions in the example.
version: 2.1
aws-ecr: circleci/aws-ecr@9.3.7 # Use the AWS ECR orb in your configuration
aws-cli: circleci/aws-cli@5.1.2 # Use the AWS CLI orb in your configuration
- aws-ecr/build_and_push_image: # Use the pre-defined `build-and-push-image` job
- aws-cli/setup:
role_arn: arn:aws:iam::123456789012
dockerfile: <my-Docker-file>
path: <path-to-my-Docker-file>
profile_name: <my-profile-name>
repo: <my-ECR-repo>
tag: <my-ECR-repo-tag> # default - latest
Update an AWS ECS instance
Using the build-and-push-image
job (shown below) requires the following environment variables to be set: OIDC-USER
Make sure to replace any placeholder versions in the example.
version: '2.1'
aws-cli: circleci/aws-cli@5.1.2
aws-ecr: circleci/aws-ecr@9.3.7
aws-ecs: circleci/aws-ecs@6.0.2
- aws-ecr/build_and_push_image:
- aws-cli/setup:
profile_name: OIDC-USER
role_arn: arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/VALID_OIDC_ECR_ROLE
profile_name: OIDC-USER
tag: CIRCLE_SHA1 # This is a built-in environment variable
- aws-ecs/deploy_service_update:
- aws-cli/setup:
profile_name: OIDC-USER
role_arn: arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/VALID_OIDC_ECS_ROLE
cluster: MY_APP_PREFIX-cluster
container_image_name_updates: container=${MY_APP_PREFIX}-service,tag=${CIRCLE_SHA1}
family: MY_APP_PREFIX-service
profile_name: OIDC-USER
- aws-ecr/build_and_push_image
AWS CodeDeploy
The AWS CodeDeploy orb enables you to run deployments through AWS CodeDeploy. See the example in the developer hub to get started.