Example Public Repos
1 month ago2 min read
Server v4+
Refer to the following documents and linked .circleci/config.yml
files for complete examples of public and open source projects that run on CircleCI.
Example CircleCI files and public repos
Example Name | Description | Link |
Sample config.yml Files | Four sample config.yml files using concurrent Workflows, sequential Workflows, fan-in/fan-out Workflows, and building Linux and iOS in one configuration file. | Sample config.yml Files |
Example Database Configurations | Three example config.yml files using PostgreSQL/Rails, Go/PostgreSQL, and Ruby/MySQL | Example Database Configurations |
Parallel | Concurrent job run workflow configuration. | parallel-jobs/.circleci/config.yml |
Sequential | Sequential job run workflow configuration | sequential-branch-filter/.circleci/config.yml |
Fan-in / Fan-out | Workflow configuration with sequenced jobs followed by concurrent jobs chained to a final sequenced job. | fan-in-fan-out/.circleci/config.yml |
Workspace Forwarding | Jobs configured to share data with workspaces. | workspace-forwarding/.circleci/config.yml |
circleci-docs | A static website generated by Jekyll for CircleCI documentation. | circleci-docs/.circleci/config.yml |
circleci image-builder | Uses Docker for building container images. | image-builder/.circleci/config.yml |
circleci-demo-docker | This is an example application showcasing how to build Docker images in CircleCI. | .circleci/config.yml |
Open source projects by feature
The following projects provide examples of using features and functionality of CircleCI configuration syntax:
Example Description | Project | config.yml link |
Caching with templates, using workspaces, concurrent workflow jobs | Build mobile apps with React. | react-native/.circleci/config.yml |
Build and test with custom container image for ARM and x64 with xvfb and mocha | The Electron framework lets you write cross-platform desktop applications using JavaScript, HTML and CSS. It is based on Node.js and Chromium. | electron/.circleci/config.yml |
Build, test, and upload run for macOS and Linux | Conda is a platform- and language-independent package manager that sports easy distribution, installation and version management of software. | bioconda-recipes/.circleci/config.yml |
Build and register a Docker image, deploy to AWS ECS | Taco is a next generation repository system for DLSS. | taco/.circleci/config.yml |
Docker compose and docker cp with store_artifacts | Mayflower is the enterprise design system for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | mayflower/.circleci/config.yml |
Remote Docker, Docker Layer Caching, build and push Docker images | Epoch is a new blockchain for æpps. | epoch/.circleci/config.yml |
Build and test on multiple platforms with tagged releases | Crystal is a programming language. | crystal/.circleci/config.yml |
Open source projects by language
The following projects provide examples for particular programming languages, testing mechanisms, and deployment targets:
Example Description | Project | config.yml link |
Bazel build and testing with xvfb | Angular is a development platform for building mobile and desktop web applications using Typescript/JavaScript and other languages. | angular/.circleci/config.yml |
Salesforce DX | This repository shows one way you can successfully set up Salesforce DX with CircleCI. | sfdx-circleci/.circleci/config.yml |
Golang build with junit and Kubernetes tests for prod and master job workflow | The Azure Container Service Engine (acs-engine) generates ARM (Azure Resource Manager) templates for Docker enabled clusters on Microsoft Azure with your choice of DC/OS, Kubernetes, Swarm Mode, or Swarm orchestrators. | acs-engine/.circleci/config.yml |
Go and Node build, package, and deploy run | Ignition is a landing page for developers to self-service their way onto your Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) deployment(s). | ignition/.circleci/config.yml |
Javascript Node frontend build with junit and end-to-end Webdriver screeshot tests | This is the frontend code for cBioPortal using React, MobX and TypeScript. | cbioportal-frontend/.circleci/config.yml |
Node and Yarn with manual deploy gate | Docusaurus is a project for easily building, deploying, and maintaining open source project websites. | Docusaurus/.circleci/config.yml |
Node and Yarn test and deploy website with caching | NEO•ONE makes coding, testing and deploying your NEO blockchain solutions easier. | neo-one/.circleci/config.yml |
Build and test with NPM and Yarn, deploy to S3 | The official CLARK Platform client | clark-client/.circleci/config.yml |
Python build with Postgres database, Selenium tests, and CodeClimate | CALC (formerly known as “Hourglass”), which stands for Contracts Awarded Labor Category, is a tool to help contracting personnel estimate their per-hour labor costs for a contract, based on historical pricing information. | calc/.circleci/config.yml |
Python build with apt for concurrent job run with webhooks notification | SunPy is an open-source Python library for solar physics data analysis. | sunpy/.circleci/config.yml |
Scala and sbt build, test, and release with three workflows | Arweave4s is a lightweight modular HTTP client for the Arweave blockchain. | arweave4s/.circleci/config.yml |
See also
Refer to Examples and Guides Overview for configuration walkthroughs with commented examples and detailed explanations for basic applications written in several different languages.