Start Building for Free

Quickstart guide

today3 min read
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This quickstart provides a guided tour through setting up a project, collaborating, and tools to iterate on and debug your build configuration. The following sections cover the following:

  • Create a project, connecting some existing code to CircleCI.

  • Inviting team members to collaborate on your new project.

  • Use the VS Code extension to debug and extend your config.

  • SSH into a build to debug your project.

If you would rather jump to a full list of CircleCI config.yml options, see the Configuration reference.


  • A CircleCI account. You can sign up for free.

  • A code repository you want to build on CircleCI.

1. Connect your code

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Create a project, connect your new code repository, and commit a CircleCI configuration file. View your project build in the CircleCI app.

2. Dig into your first pipeline

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Explore your passing pipeline and invite your teammates to join you, for free. By collaborating, you can troubleshoot, get pull requests approved, and build and test faster.

1. So, what just happened?

Expand your workflow and select a job to view the steps that ran. Use the tabs along the top to access test results, timing data, artifacts, and resource usage metrics.

Exand the workflow and select a job to view steps
2. View step output

Exand any step to view the build output. You can search, share or download the output for collaboration and debugging. If a step fails, use the Explain this error button for help.

Expand a step to view the output.
3. Invite teammates

Invite teammates to collaborate on your projects. Navigate to Organization Settings > People to generate invites and get further instructions. Collaborators can view and follow your projects. Teammates can make a free CircleCI account at any time to view your pipelines, even if they are not committing any code.

Invite teammates to collaborate. Generate invites from your organizaiton settings.

3. Debug and iterate

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Discover CircleCI features to help debug and configure your builds.

1. Rerun with SSH

To access a job's build environment for troubleshooting, rerun the job with SSH access. The VM remains active for 10 minutes after the pipeline finishes. For full details, see the Debug with SSH page.

Rerun a job with SSH to directly access the build environment.
2. VS Code extention

Using the CircleCI VS Code extention, validate your CircleCI config file. Get help with troubleshooting config updates and help keeping dependencies up to date.

Rerun a job with SSH to directly access the build environment.

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