
Keep up to date with our latest
releases and enhancements.

Xcode 9.3 available on CircleCI 2.0 for macOS    

We have released the Xcode 9.3 image on CircleCI 2.0. Add the following to your .circleci/config.yml file to select that version of Xcode in your jobs:

  xcode: "9.3.0"

Xcode 9.2 available on CircleCI 2.0 for macOS    

We have released the Xcode 9.2 image on CircleCI 2.0. Add the following to your .circleci/config.yml file to select that version of Xcode in your jobs:

  xcode: "9.2.0"

Release 2.1.0    

  • Added support for 2.0 builders to use object storage other than S3 (mirroring the options from the 1.x releases).
  • Support for private images in docker jobs, including support for ECR authentication.
  • New VM service and build agent to address certain situations that resulted in build infrastructure failures.
  • Better accommodations for using proxies throughout the core infrastructure.
Server Images

Release 2.0.0    

CircleCI 2.0 is a completely updated CI/CD platform that starts every run with a clean image which is automatically provisioned just-in-time for Linux jobs on the CircleCI application installed in your private cloud. The CircleCI 2.0 platform includes significant performance, stability, and reliability improvements along with first-class Docker support, Workflows (pipelines), Resource Allocation, and Contexts. The Management Console (Replicated) also includes new options for enabling 2.0 Builders and appropriate default settings.

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Xcode 9 available on CircleCI for macOS    

Today we updated our Xcode 9.0 image with the just released Xcode 9.0 GM Seed (build version 9A235). Please check out this post on our Discuss site for more details on how to use the latest Xcode in your macOS builds.


Xcode 9.0 Beta 5    

Today we updated our Xcode 9.0 beta 3 image to Xcode 9.0 beta 5 (build version 9M202q) with the latest simulators.

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CircleCI 2.0 General Availability    

CircleCI 2.0 is a completely updated CI/CD platform that starts every run with a clean image which is automatically provisioned just-in-time for Linux and Android jobs on the hosted CircleCI application.

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Xcode 8.3.3    

For mobile, we have just released a build image that allows you to use the latest stable version of Xcode, 8.3.3. To start using it, add the following to your circle.yml:

    version: "8.3.3"

Xcode 9 Beta 2    

Today we updated our Xcode 9.0 beta image to Xcode 9.0 beta 2 with the latest 10.2 simulators. To start using it, add the following to your circle.yml:

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Update to address CVE-2016-8655    

We have released patches to our AMIs and other infrastructure to address CVE-2016-8655. We recommend all CircleCI Enterprise installations follow the instructions below to update both their Services box and their Builder fleet.

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