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TutorialsLast Updated Jan 30, 20258 min read

Snapshot testing React applications with Jest

Waweru Mwaura

Software Engineer

Developer C sits at a desk working on an intermediate-level project.

Automated tests are especially important in large applications that have lots of moving parts. It is smart to learn about several methods of testing applications so that you can provide as much coverage as possible. If you are not familiar with using snapshots in testing, read on.

Snapshot tests are written as part of front-end test automation. Using snapshots helps you make sure that your UI changes are deterministic and that you are aware when changes are made. Using that information, you can determine whether the changes were intended or not.

In this tutorial, I will lead you through using Jest, a JavaScript testing framework, to create snapshots for testing a simple React.js web application. You will be using the snapshots you create with Jest to simulate changes in a React.js application. If constantly changing text assertions are painful, you may find that snapshot testing is a powerful antidote.


To get the most from this tutorial, you’ll need the following:

  • Node.js installed locally.
  • A GitHub account.
  • A CircleCI account.
  • Basic knowledge of JavaScript, React.js, Git, and Jest.

Snapshot testing in Jest

Jest is a JavaScript testing framework that makes writing frontend tests like snapshots, unit tests, and component tests easy and efficient.

How a snapshot test works

Snapshot testing is a type of output comparison testing. This type of testing ensures that your application adheres to the quality characteristics and code values of your development team.

Snapshot tests are useful when you want to make sure your UI does not change unexpectedly. A typical snapshot test case renders a UI component, takes a snapshot, then compares it to a reference snapshot file stored alongside the test. The test compares the current state of your application to the established snapshots and expected behavior.

Visualizing the snapshot testing process

The following image illustrates the process of snapshot testing in Jest. It shows the different outcomes when a snapshot test passes, when a snapshot test fails, and what actions take place.

Snapshot testing

Setting up the sample React app

In this tutorial, your application will consist of a simple React.js component with two buttons that increment and decrement the count when clicked.

Clone the repository, and checkout to the start-here branch by running this command in your terminal:

git clone

cd snapshot-testing-react-jest

git checkout start-here
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Next, you will need the following dependencies installed from the npm:

They are included in your package.json file. To install them in your project, open your terminal (at the project’s root) and run:

Once the dependencies are installed, run the application using this command:

This starts your application.

Jest test application

Your test will determine whether the counter value initializes at zero, and also whether the buttons work. Because the value changes depending on the button that is clicked, you may want to know that the incremental or decremental value stays the same, always increasing or decreasing by one. You can now start writing your tests.

Writing snapshot tests

Jest uses regular expressions to look for a file with the .test.js or .test.jsx extensions. Once the test files with these extensions are encountered, Jest will automatically run tests in those files when the test command is executed.

To write your first snapshot test, you will use the renderer module. This module renders the Document Object Model (DOM) element that will be saved as the text snapshot:

import renderer from "react-test-renderer";
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Write your test to ensure that it captures the render of the <App> component and saves it as a Jest snapshot. Below is the structure for the test. In this tutorial, I’ll add this snippet to src/App.test.js.

import React from "react";
import renderer from "react-test-renderer";
import App from "./App";

describe("Jest Snapshot testing suite", () => {
  it("Matches DOM Snapshot", () => {
    const domTree = renderer.create(<App />).toJSON();
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The test has the domTree variable, which holds the DOM tree of the rendered component in JSON format. This makes it easier to save and compare snapshots.

expect(domTree).toMatchSnapshot() creates a snapshot if it does not exist, saves it, and checks if a snapshot is consistent with previous stored snapshots. If there is an existing snapshot, Jest compares the two snapshots. If they match, the test passes. Snapshots that do not match cause the test to fail.

The test also uses the .toJSON() method, which returns a JSON object of the rendered DOM tree snapshot.

Run the test:

The command will output a response similar to this truncated snippet:

 PASS  src/App.test.js
  Jest Snapshot testing suite
    ✓ matches snapshot (5 ms)

 › 1 snapshot written.
Snapshot Summary
 › 1 snapshot written from 1 test suite.

Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests:       1 passed, 1 total
Snapshots:   1 written, 1 total
Time:        0.675 s
Ran all test suites related to changed files.
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There is a new folder called __snapshots__ with the file App.test.js.snap inside it. The file contains the saved snapshot, which should be similar to this snippet:

exports[`Jest Snapshot testing suite matches snapshot 1`] = `
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This snapshot file shows how the DOM tree of the component looks, including the parent selector elements and the child elements.

To better understand snapshots, open the elements section in the tab where your React.js application is running. Compare it side by side with the snapshot; they should be almost identical. Snapshots have a structure similar to the DOM, which makes the process of identifying changes to the DOM seamless.

Application DOM structure

The fact that text snapshots are created from the DOM means they can fail only when the DOM has changed or has content that differs from what was present when the snapshot was taken.

Next, you will investigate how changes happen in the DOM, how they trigger snapshot changes, and how to handle this process.

Handling snapshot changes

Now that you know how snapshots are created, it is time to learn more about when they fail and why. To demonstrate this, use the current test and make changes to your DOM tree. The change you will make is introducing a title <h1>COUNTER</h1> to the component. This addition is done in the file Counter.js as a single line:

return (
      <div className="counter">
        <div className="buttons">
          <button onClick={this.increment}>Increment</button>
          <button onClick={this.decrement}>Decrement</button>
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After making this change, run the test again. (Assuming that Jest is still in watch mode, you won’t have to rerun).

Note: When Jest is in watch mode, the application is being tracked, so any changes will trigger a rerun of the tests. In our case, it is already activated due to the npm test script in package.json. However, if you’d be running jest directly, specify it in Jest runs with the --watch argument to activate watch mode.

The test should fail.

Failed snapshot

Because these changes are expected, you will need to update your existing snapshot instead of changing the code to match the previous snapshot.

In the same terminal session, select the u option to update the snapshot when Jest is in watch mode. Updating the snapshot tells Jest that the changes were intentional and that you want to keep. After the snapshot update is triggered, your test is back to being happy and it passes beautifully.

Option u

 PASS  src/App.test.js
  Jest Snapshot testing suite
    ✓ matches snapshot (5 ms)

 › 1 snapshot updated.
Snapshot Summary
 › 1 snapshot updated from 1 test suite.

Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests:       1 passed, 1 total
Snapshots:   1 updated, 1 total
Time:        0.105 s, estimated 1 s
Ran all test suites related to changed files.

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Adding more snapshot tests

You can add more snapshot tests to make sure that all important visual elements in your application are consistent with your UI specifications and UX guidelines and that everything in your application works correctly. Snapshot tests are part of comprehensive frontend testing that should also include unit and component tests.

For this tutorial, I will run through adding just one more snapshot test. This test checks that the increment functionality works as intended. This code snippet is added to the file App.test.js:

import Counter from "./Counter";

describe("Jest Snapshot testing suite", () => {
  it("Should render 3 after three increments", () => {
      const component = renderer.create(<Counter />);

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In this test, the counter component structure is saved to a component variable. The test then accesses the increment() method of your class-based component and calls it three times. The goal is to make sure that when the Increment button is clicked three times, the count rendered is three. This information is saved to the snapshot, which should pass.

 PASS  src/App.test.js
  Jest Snapshot testing suite
    ✓ matches snapshot (7 ms)
    ✓ Should render 3 after three increments (9 ms)

 › 1 snapshot written.
Snapshot Summary
 › 1 snapshot written from 1 test suite.

Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests:       2 passed, 2 total
Snapshots:   1 written, 1 passed, 2 total
Time:        0.207 s, estimated 1 s
Ran all test suites related to changed files.

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Integrating snapshot testing with CircleCI

Why run successful tests that no one else knows about? Instead, take a moment to share your tests with the rest of the team, so that they can also benefit from the insights they provide. Continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) makes it easy to execute tests and collect reports.

For the rest of this tutorial, I will lead you through the steps for using CircleCI to execute your snapshot tests.

In the root folder of your application, create a .circleci folder, and add a config.yml file. The file will contain all the configuration required for running your CircleCI pipelines.

In the CircleCI config.yml file, add this configuration:

version: 2.1
    working_directory: ~/repo
      - image: cimg/node:21.4.0
      - checkout
      - restore_cache:
          key: dependency-cache-{{ checksum "package-lock.json" }}
      - run:
          name: install dependencies
          command: npm install
      - save_cache:
          key: dependency-cache-{{ checksum "package-lock.json" }}
            - ./node_modules
      - run:
          name: Jest snapshot tests
          command: npm test
      - store_artifacts:
          path: ~/repo/jest-snapshot-testing
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Pushing your changes to GitHub

If you cloned the repository the changes already exist (in main branch), making this an option step.

However, if you followed the tutorial from start-here branch, and are using a different repository with the same CircleCI configuration, you will need to push the changes to the repository.

Save this file, commit and push your changes to your GitHub repository. After navigating to the CircleCI dashboard and specifying your organization your repository is in (if you belong to several), click Set up Project beside the repository name.

CircleCI project selection

When prompted, select main, which is your default branch. Then click Set Up Project. Your project will begin running on CircleCI.

CircleCI branch configuration

There should be a green build on the CircleCI dashboard. Click it to review the build details.

Successful build

Fantastic! Your builds are green and all your tests executed successfully.


In this tutorial, you have learned about snapshot testing and how useful it is in making sure your UI looks and works as intended. You learned how to write a snapshot test, and used a snapshot as a comparison to ensure that any changes were intended. You also learned how to update snapshots in case there are intentional changes. Finally you built a CI/CD pipeline using CircleCI to run your tests. I hope you have enjoyed working on the project for this tutorial. Until next time, keep on coding!

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