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  • linux-cuda-11
  • Getting Started
  • How This Image Works
  • Image Tags
  1. Machine Images
  2. linux-cuda-11



Our cuda machine image comes preinstalled with a number of useful tools for testing and deploying jobs that require the use of a dedicated GPU.

This image contains the minimum tools required to operate a build on CircleCI, such as git, docker, cuda, and nvidia-gds to support GPU enabled workflows.

Getting Started

This image can be used with the CircleCI gpu executor For example:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 jobs: build: machine: image: linux-cuda-11:default resource_class: gpu.nvidia.medium steps: - checkout - run: nvidia-smi

In the above example, the CircleCI CUDA image is used as the virtual machine image. The medium GPU resource class is used, and the tag default refers to the latest stable release of this image.

Please visit our resource classes docs on GPU for additional options.

How This Image Works

This image is built off the latest quarterly Ubuntu image at the time of release, and includes many resources needed to run most builds on CircleCI.

This includes but is not limited to:

  • Git
  • Docker and Docker Compose
  • The build-essential package containing compiling tools
  • jq
  • curl, ssh, and much more

The default version will be the latest CUDA version, but you can switch between included versions by running the following command, replacing <<version>> with the major.minor CUDA release:

# sudo update-alternatives --set cuda /usr/local/cuda-<<version>>
sudo update-alternatives --set cuda /usr/local/cuda-11.6

Tagging Scheme

The recommended approach is to use the default tag to ensure the latest CUDA versions are available. Generally, we support and include the last three versions of the latest major CUDA release.

Please refer to our CUDA image policy for additional details.

Image Tags

  • 2024.11.1
  • 2024.04.1
  • 2023.02.1
  • default
  • edge
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