All posts49
Automate open source security tracking with the WhiteSource CircleCI orb
Product Manager at WhiteSource
How to output JUnit tests through CircleCI 2.0 for expanded Insights
Software Engineer, Syndio
Build a Clojure web app using Duct
Software Architect
Debug your CircleCI environments using the Rookout orb
CTO and Co-Founder at Rookout
Continuous integration for React applications using Jest and Enzyme
DevOps Engineer at Andela
Cross-browser screenshot testing with the CircleCI Happo orb
Software Engineer at Happo
What we've learned about hiring engineering managers
VP of Product Engineering
Integrating container image scanning into CircleCI builds with the Twistlock orb
Principal Solutions Architect at Twistlock
CircleCI vs Travis CI configuration: comparing build elements
Developer Advocate, CircleCI