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Set up code signing for iOS projects

1+ year ago3 min read
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This document describes the guidelines for setting up code signing for your iOS project on CircleCI.

Basic configuration of iOS projects

This document assumes that you already have an iOS project building correctly on CircleCI using our recommended best practices. It also assumes that you use Bundler and Fastlane, and have a Gemfile, Appfile and Fastfile checked into your repository.

If you have not yet configured your iOS project on CircleCI, you can find the configuration instructions in the Testing iOS Applications document.

Set up Fastlane Match

Code signing must be configured to generate ad-hoc distributions of your app and App Store builds.

Fastlane Match is one of the Fastlane tools, and it allows for seamless configuration for code signing in both your local development environment and on CircleCI. Fastlane Match stores all of your code signing certificates and provisioning profiles in a git repository/AWS S3 Bucket/Google Cloud Storage, and downloads and installs the necessary certificates and profiles when required.

In this example configuration, we will set up and use a git repository for storage.

To set up Fastlane Match:

  1. On your local machine, open Terminal and navigate to the root directory of your repository

  2. Run bundle exec fastlane match init

  3. Follow the instructions to configure the Match repository

  4. After the above is complete, run bundle exec fastlane match development to generate and install the Development certificates and profiles

  5. Then, run bundle exec fastlane match adhoc to generate and install the Ad-hoc distribution certificates and profiles.

Prepare your Xcode project for use with Fastlane Match

Before setting up Match you must ensure that the code signing settings in your Xcode project are configured as follows:

  • Signing & Capabilities -> Signing uncheck Automatically manage signing for both Debug and Release

  • Signing & Capabilities -> Provisioning Profile choose the appropriate profile created by Fastlane Match (for example, match adhoc com.circleci.helloworld)

Add Match to the Fastlane lane

On CircleCI, Fastlane Match will need to be run every time you build and sign your app. The easiest way to do this is to add the match action to the lane which builds your app.

# fastlane/Fastfile
default_platform :ios

platform :ios do
  before_all do

  desc "Build and run tests"
  lane :test do

  desc "Ad-hoc build"
  lane :adhoc do
    match(type: "adhoc")
    gym(export_method: "ad-hoc")

Add a user key to the CircleCI project

To enable Fastlane Match to download the certificates and the keys from GitHub, it is necessary to add a user key with access to both the project repository and the certificates / keys repository to the CircleCI project.

To add a user key:

  1. In the CircleCI application, go to your project’s settings by clicking the Project Settings button (top-right on the Pipelines page of the project).

  2. On the Project Settings page, click on SSH Keys (vertical menu on the left).

  3. Click the Add User Key button and follow the steps to authorize CircleCI

In your Matchfile, the git_url should be an SSH URL ( in the format), rather than a HTTPS URL. Otherwise you may see authentication errors when you attempt to use match. For example:


It is best practice to create a machine user with access to just the project repository and the keys repository, and use that machine user to create a user key to reduce the level of GitHub access granted to the CircleCI project.

After you have added a user key, CircleCI will be able to checkout both the project repository and the Fastlane Match repository from GitHub.

Add the Match passphrase to the project

To enable Fastlane Match to decrypt the certificates and profiles stored in the GitHub repository, it is necessary to add the encryption passphrase that you configured in the Match setup step to the CircleCI project’s environment variables.

In the project settings on CircleCI, click on Environment Variables and add the MATCH_PASSWORD variable. Set its value to your encryption passphrase. The passphrase will be stored encrypted at rest.

Build and code-sign the app on CircleCI

After you have configured Match and added its invocation into the appropriate lane, you can run that lane on CircleCI. The following config.yml will create an Ad-hoc build every time you push to the development branch:

# .circleci/config.yml
version: 2.1
      xcode: 14.2.0
      # ...
      - run: bundle exec fastlane test

      xcode: 14.2.0
      # ...
      - run: bundle exec fastlane adhoc

      - build-and-test
      - adhoc:
              only: development
            - build-and-test

Sample configuration files

The best practice configuration for setting up code signing for iOS projects is as follows:

# fastlane/fastfile
default_platform :ios

platform :ios do
  before_all do

  desc "Runs all the tests"
  lane :test do

  desc "Ad-hoc build"
  lane :adhoc do
    match(type: "adhoc")
    gym(export_method: "ad-hoc")
# .circleci/config.yml
version: 2.1
      xcode: 14.2.0
      FL_OUTPUT_DIR: output
      FASTLANE_LANE: test
      - checkout
      - run: bundle install
      - run:
          name: Fastlane
          command: bundle exec fastlane $FASTLANE_LANE
      - store_artifacts:
          path: output
      - store_test_results:
          path: output/scan

      xcode: 14.2.0
      FL_OUTPUT_DIR: output
      FASTLANE_LANE: adhoc
      - checkout
      - run: bundle install
      - run:
          name: Fastlane
          command: bundle exec fastlane $FASTLANE_LANE
      - store_artifacts:
          path: output

      - build-and-test
      - adhoc:
              only: development
            - build-and-test

By setting the FL_OUTPUT_DIR: environment, that will tell Fastlane to output the Xcode and Fastlane logs to that directory, so they get uploaded as artifacts for ease in troubleshooting.

Example application on GitHub

See the circleci-demo-ios GitHub repository for an example of how to configure code signing for iOS apps using Fastlane Match.

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