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Run Docker commands

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Use the remote Docker environment to build Docker images within the Docker execution environment.

When you use remote Docker for a job, all Docker commands execute locally on the virtual machine used to spin up your primary Docker container.


To build Docker images (for example, using docker or docker-compose commands) when using the Docker execution environment, you must use the setup_remote_docker key in your job:

      - image: cimg/base:2022.06
      # ... steps for building/testing app ...
      - setup_remote_docker

Using setup_remote_docker for a job means that all Docker commands execute locally on the same virtual machine that used to spin up the primary container.

In the CircleCI web app, jobs that run in the remote Docker environment have the Remote Docker label, as follows:

Remote Docker label


The resource class used for the remote Docker environment is determined by how you configure the primary container for the job. The sections below show how Docker and remote Docker environments correlate.

For specification, credit, and pricing information for all resource classes, see the Resource class product page.


For x86 architecture, the equivalent Linux VM resource class is used for remote Docker, relative to how the primary Docker container is configured. For example, if your Docker executor is configured to use a medium resource class, the remote Docker environment for that job uses medium also. Exceptions to this are as follows:

  • If you use the small Docker resource class for your primary execution environment, the remote Docker environment uses Linux VM, medium.

  • If you use the medium+ Docker resource class for your primary execution environment, the remote Docker environment uses Linux VM, large.

For a full list of available Linux VM resource classes see the Configuration Reference.


For Arm architecture the equivalent Arm VM resource class is used for remote Docker, relative to how the primary Docker container is configured. For example, if your Docker executor is configured to use a medium resource class, the remote Docker environment for that job uses medium also.

For a full list of available Arm VM resource classes see the Configuration Reference.

CircleCI server

For CircleCI server installations, contact the systems administrator for specifications.

Run Docker commands using the Docker executor

The example below shows how you can build and deploy a Docker image for our demo Docker project using the Docker executor, with remote Docker:

version: 2.1

      - image: cimg/go:1.17
    resource_class: xlarge
      - checkout
      # ... steps for building/testing app ...

      - setup_remote_docker:
          docker_layer_caching: true

      # build and push Docker image
      - run: |
          docker build -t CircleCI-Public/circleci-demo-docker:$TAG .
          echo $DOCKER_PASS | docker login -u $DOCKER_USER --password-stdin
          docker push CircleCI-Public/circleci-demo-docker:$TAG

Below is a break down of what is happening during this build’s execution:

Install the Docker CLI

CircleCI convenience images have the Docker CLI pre-installed. If you are using a third-party image for your primary container that does not have the Docker CLI installed, then you will need to install it as part of your job before calling any docker commands.

      # Install via apk on alpine based images
      - run:
          name: Install Docker client
          command: apk add docker-cli

Specify a Docker version for remote Docker

To optionally specify a Docker version, you can set it as a version attribute with supported tags:

      - setup_remote_docker:
          version: edge

CircleCI supports the tags listed below for remote Docker, as per our Remote Docker tagging policy.

For x86 and Arm architecture, the following tags are available:

  • default

  • edge

  • previous

The above tags resolve to the latest supported Docker version, which is Docker 24.

To use Docker 23, the previous Docker release, use the following tag:

  • docker23

To use Docker 24, patch updates will occur until Docker 25 is released, use the following tag:

  • docker24

To use the current deprecated version, Docker 20, use 20.10.24

Run Docker commands using the machine executor

The example below shows how you can build a Docker image using the machine executor with the default image. Note that this does not require the use of remote Docker:

version: 2.1

      image: ubuntu-2204:2022.04.2
      - checkout
      # start proprietary DB using private Docker image
      # with credentials stored in the UI
      - run: |
          echo "$DOCKER_PASS" | docker login --username $DOCKER_USER --password-stdin
          docker run -d --name db company/proprietary-db:1.2.3

      # build the application image
      - run: docker build -t company/app:$CIRCLE_BRANCH .

      # deploy the image
      - run: docker push company/app:$CIRCLE_BRANCH

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