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Sign up and try CircleCI

4 months ago3 min read
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To start building on CircleCI, go to the Sign Up page or follow an email invite link from your team, and create an account. After signing up you can create an organization or find your teammates.

Sign up

From the Sign Up page, do one of the following:

Building GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket Data Center projects?

If you want to build mainly GitHub, GitLab or Bitbucket Data Center projects, sign up with your email address to create an account.

  1. Select Sign Up.

  2. Enter your email address and create a password.

  3. Answer a few questions about how you plan to use CircleCI.

  4. You can now choose one of the following:

Building Bitbucket Cloud projects?

If you want to primarily build Bitbucket Cloud projects, sign up with your Bitbucket account. After you connect your Bitbucket account you can go ahead and start setting up projects, following the Create a project in CircleCI page. Your org in CircleCI maps directly to your Bitbucket workspace.

  1. Select Sign Up With Bitbucket.

  2. Log in to your Bitbucket Cloud account

  3. Enter your email address and create a password.

  4. Choose between creating an organization or joining your teammates in an existing org:

    • If you are creating a new CircleCI org for your team, follow the Create an org steps below.

    • If you want to join an existing shared organization, follow the steps on the Join your teammates page.

Create an org

This section covers creating a new CircleCI organization. Once your organization is created, you can start building right away or invite your teammates to join.

  1. From your user homepage select Get Started in the "Start a new organization" card.

  2. Give your organization a name and select Let’s Go.

  3. Create a project to get started. Select Get Started in the "Create a project" card, and refer to the Create a project page for further steps.

  4. Invite your team by navigating to Organization Settings  People. For more information on inviting people to your org, see the Join your teammates page.

Sign up with an invite

If you are signing up using an invite from your team, you will be joining an existing CircleCI organization.

  1. To create an account for free with CircleCI, follow the link in your invite email and enter your email address and create a password.

  2. On the next screen, respond to prompts that best describe your role and your engineering organization.

  3. Finally, you will be taken to your organization’s pipelines dashboard in the CircleCI web app. From here, you can follow projects or trigger pipelines in projects to which you have access in your organization, or create new projects.

Guides for integrating GitHub, Bitbucket, or GitLab projects are available as follows:


By signing up, you are agreeing to our SaaS Agreement and Privacy Policy. We ask for read/write access to make your experience seamless on CircleCI. If you are a GitHub user and aren’t ready to share access to your private projects, you can choose public repositories instead. Protected by reCAPTCHA, Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.

Next steps

  • Read the Join your teammates page for steps on adding team members to your CircleCI org.

  • Go to the Hello World page to learn the basics of setting up a CircleCI configuration file.

  • Read the Concepts page for an overview of foundational CircleCI concepts such as pipelines, executors.

  • Refer to the full CircleCI configuration reference for creating a .circleci/config.yml file, which determines your execution environment and automates your tests.

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