Rename organizations and repositories

5 months ago1 min read
Last updated • Read time
This document is applicable to CircleCI Cloud

This page details everything you need to know about renaming organizations and repositories connected to CircleCI. Renaming works differently depending on how your account is connected:

VCS integrationRename organizationRename repositoryRename projectNotes

GitHub App

Changing the name of a repository does not affect the name of the project in CircleCI. The project name remains the same.


Changing the name of a repository does not affect the name of the project in CircleCI. The project name remains the same.

Bitbucket Data Center

Changing the name of a repository does not affect the name of the project in CircleCI. The project name remains the same.

GitHub OAuth app

Org and repository names map directly to org and project names in CircleCI. Changing either by following these steps will update the corresponding name in CircleCI.

Bitbucket Cloud

Org and repository names map directly to org and project names in CircleCI. Changing either by following these steps will update the corresponding name in CircleCI.

GitHub App, GitLab, Bitbucket Data Center

For CircleCI organizations integrated through the GitHub App, GitLab or Bitbucket Data Center, no changes are required when organizations or repositories are renamed in the connected VCS (version control system). CircleCI organizations and projects are standalone entities, not directly tied to code repository or org names.

You can rename your organization from the CircleCI web app:

  1. Select Organization Settings in the sidebar.

  2. Select Rename Organization next to your org name.

  3. Enter a new name for your org and select Save.

GitHub OAuth app or Bitbucket Cloud

If you need to rename a GitHub (OAuth app) or Bitbucket Cloud organization or repository that you have previously connected to CircleCI, best practice is to follow the steps listed below. If you do not follow this process, it is possible you may lose access to your organization or repository settings, including environment variables and contexts.

Steps to rename organizations and repositories

  1. Rename organization or repository in your VCS

  2. Go to the CircleCI web app using the new org/repo name, for example:<VCS>/<new-org-name>/<project-name>

  3. Confirm that your plan, projects, and settings have been transferred successfully

  4. If desired, you are now free to create a new org/repo with the previously-used name in your VCS