Machine runner 3.0 configuration reference

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This document is applicable to CircleCI Cloud
Server v4.4+
This document is applicable to CircleCI Server v4.4+

A YAML file is used to configure the machine runner, how it communicates with CircleCI’s servers, and how it will launch the task-agent. This page explains all available parameters.


The configuration file uses the following format with the various parameters explained in more detail below, and is by default located at /etc/circleci-runner/circleci-runner-config.yaml on Linux machines.

  auth_token: << AUTH TOKEN >>
  name: runner-name-001
  working_directory: "/var/lib/circleci-runner/workdir"
  cleanup_working_directory: true
  level: "info"
  format: "text"
  file: "-"



The token is used to identify the machine runner to CircleCI and can be generated by the CircleCI CLI. An existing token may be shared among many installations, but this token only allows a particular resource_class to be specified.



The URL will be pointing to by default. It should not be modified unless you have a CircleCI server installation. In that case, it must be set to the URL of your server installation.


RUNNER_NAME is a unique name of your choosing assigned to this particular machine runner. CircleCI recommends using the hostname of the machine so that it can be used to identify the agent when viewing statuses and job results in the UI on the CircleCI web app. The only special characters accepted in RUNNER_NAME are . () - _.



This sets the logging level for the circleci-runner service. The available logging levels are debug, info, warn, and error. By default, the logging level is set to info.


  level: "info"



This sets the logging format for the circleci-runner service used for stderr and file logging. The available formats are:

  • color: The default logging format, with color.

  • text: Disables color but maintains standard logging output.

  • json: Outputs logs in JSON format.

  • none: Disables logging entirely.


  format: "color"



This controls the file where the machine runner and task-agent logs will go. See Runner concepts for more information on task-agent.


  file: "-"



This parameter specifies the directory path where the task-agent binary is downloaded and executed by machine runner, defaulting to ~/.local/libexec/circleci.

  task_agent_directory: "~/.local/libexec/circleci"



This prefix takes a YAML list of arguments that wraps and runs the task-agent.

For example, sudo can elevate permissions:

  command_prefix: ["sudo", "-niHu", "USERNAME", "--"]

The prefix can also be a custom script. The arguments passed to the script will launch the task-agent.

The custom script must:

  • Take great care to ensure the task-agent (that is, the arguments passed to it) runs

  • Forward the exit code from task-agent as its own exit code

Example script saved as /var/opt/circleci/


echo "About to run CircleCI task agent: ${task_agent_cmd}"
echo "CircleCI task agent finished."
exit $exit

Here is the configuration snippet for the example above:

  command_prefix: ["/var/opt/circleci/"]



This directory takes a fully qualified path and allows you to control the default working directory used by each job. If the directory already exists, the task-agent will need permissions to write to the directory. If the directory does not exist, then the task-agent will need permissions to create the directory.


  working_directory: "/var/lib/circleci-runner/workdir"



This flag enables you to control the working directory cleanup after each job.

The possible values are:

  • true

  • false


  cleanup_working_directory: true



This flag enables you to use the home directory of the user running the self-hosted runner instance for storing SSH checkout keys.

The possible values are:

  • true

  • false


   use_home_ssh_dir_for_checkout_keys: true



This parameter allows you to specify whether you want to terminate this self-hosted runner process upon completion of a job (single-task), or to continuously poll for new available jobs (continuous).

The possible values are:

  • continuous

  • single-task


  mode: continuous

When using single-task mode, the runner process will restart while the machine instance will continue. However, you may find it useful to terminate the machine instance itself. You can do this on Linux based machines by adding the following to the systemd unit file:

ExecStopPost=shutdown now -h

However to avoid running as root we recommend stepping down the circleci user using runner.command_prefix as in our example above.


  command_prefix: ["sudo", "-niHu", "circleci", "--"]
  mode: single-task



This value can be used to override the default maximum duration the task-agent will run each job. Note that the value is a string with the following unit identifiers h, m or s for hour, minute, and seconds respectively:

Here are a few valid examples:

  • 72h - 3 days

  • 1h30m - 1 hour 30 minutes

  • 30s - 30 seconds

  • 50m - 50 minutes

  • 1h30m20s - An overly specific (yet still valid) duration


  max_run_time: 5h

Customizing job timeouts and drain timeouts

If you would like to customize the job timeout setting, you can “drain” the job by sending the machine runner a termination (TERM) signal, which then causes the machine runner to attempt to gracefully shutdown. When this TERM signal is received, the machine runner enters draining mode, preventing the machine runner from accepting any new jobs, but still allowing any current active job to be completed. At the end of draining, the machine runner then signals the task-agent to cancel any active job (by sending it a TERM signal).

Draining can end in one of two ways:

  • The task has been in the draining state for longer than the configured max_run_time

  • An additional TERM signal is received by the machine runner during draining



This timeout will enable a machine runner to terminate if no task has been claimed within the given time period. The value is a string with the following unit identifiers: h, m or s for hours, minutes, and seconds respectively (for example, 5m is 5 minutes).


  idle_timeout: 1h



This parameter enables the “Rerun job with SSH” feature. Before enabling this feature, there are important considerations that should be made. Rerun with SSH is not currently available on container runner.

The address is of the form host:port and is displayed in the “Enable SSH” and “Wait for SSH” sections for a job that is rerun.


    advertise_addr: HOSTNAME:54782

Considerations before enabling SSH debugging

Task-agent runs an embedded SSH server and agent on a dedicated port when the “Rerun job with SSH” option is activated. This feature will not affect any other SSH servers or agents on the system that the self-hosted runner is installed on.

  • The host port used by the SSH server is currently fixed to 54782. Ensure this port is unblocked and available for SSH connections. A port conflict can occur if multiple machine runners are installed on the same host.

  • The SSH server will inherit the same user privileges and associated access authorizations as the task-agent, defined by the runner.command_prefix parameter.

  • The SSH server is configured for public key authentication. Anyone with permission to initiate a job can rerun it with SSH. However, only the user who initiated the rerun will have their SSH public keys added to the server for the duration of the SSH session.

  • Rerunning a job with SSH will hold the job open for two hours if a connection is made to the SSH server, or ten minutes if no connection is made, unless cancelled. While in this state, the job is counted against an organization’s concurrency limit, and the task-agent will be unavailable to handle other jobs. Therefore, it is recommended to cancel an SSH rerun job explicitly (through the web UI or CLI) when finished debugging.

Basic full configuration for a machine runner

The fields you must set for a specific job to run using your self-hosted runners are:

  • machine: true

  • resource_class: <namespace>/<resource-class>

Simple example of how you could set up a job:

version: 2.1

      - runner
    machine: true
    resource_class: <namespace>/<resource-class>
      - run: echo "Hi I'm on Runners!"

The job will then execute using your self-hosted runner when you push the .circleci/config.yml to your VCS provider.