Upgrading the CircleCI’s self-hosted runner on server
On This Page
- Machine runner on server compatibility
- Upgrading machine runner on server
- Upgrading machine runner in a containerized environment
- Upgrading machine runner for Kubernetes
- Upgrading machine runner in Docker
- Upgrading machine runner in a non-containerized environment
- 1. Replace the circleci-launch-agent-binary with the new version
- 2. Stop the currently running machine runner
- Stopping the machine runner on Linux
- Stopping the machine runner on Mac
- Stopping the machine runner on Windows
- 3. Start the new machine runner
- Starting on Linux
- Starting on Mac
- Starting on Windows
- Additional resources
This page describes how to update the CircleCI’s machine runner on CircleCI server installations.
Machine runner on server compatibility
Upgrading machine runner on server
Unlike CircleCI cloud, server does not automatically update the circleci-launch-agent
, and requires manual intervention. The following sections detail how to upgrade machine runners in your server installation across all environments.
Upgrading machine runner in a containerized environment
This section details how to upgrade self-hosted runner in containerized environments: Kubernetes and Docker.
Upgrading machine runner for Kubernetes
Refer to the Kubernetes Installation Instructions.
Upgrading machine runner in Docker
Stop any currently running self-hosted runner containers:
docker stop <container-name>
Remove the self-hosted runner containers:
docker stop <container-name>; docker rm <container-name>;
Start a new machine runner Docker container:
CIRCLECI_RESOURCE_CLASS=<resource-class> CIRCLECI_API_TOKEN=<runner-token> agent_version=<agent_version_for_server> docker run --env agent_version --env CIRCLECI_API_TOKEN --env CIRCLECI_RESOURCE_CLASS --name <container-name> <image-id-from-previous-step>
When starting the Docker container on server, the agent_version
environment variable will need to be passed in using the--env
Upgrading machine runner in a non-containerized environment
The process for manually updating the circleci-launch-agent
binary can be broken down into three steps for non containerized environments. These steps are expanded upon in the sections below.
Replace existing
binary with the new version. -
Stop currently running
processes. -
Start the new version of the
1. Replace the circleci-launch-agent-binary
with the new version
Following the same step as in the individual platform installations, update the launch agent version environment variable to the correct version, then save and run the script to download and replace the old binary with the newly updated version.
export agent_version="<launch-agent-version>" && sh ./download-launch-agent.sh
$Env:agentVer = "<launch-agent-version>"
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072;
2. Stop the currently running machine runner
The currently running circleci-launch-agent
process will need to be halted before starting the newly updated binary. Platform-specific instructions for this are given below.
Stopping the machine runner on Linux
Run the following commands:
sudo systemctl stop circleci.service
sudo systemctl disable circleci.service
Stopping the machine runner on Mac
Run the following commands:
sudo launchctl unload '/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.circleci.runner.plist'
Stopping the machine runner on Windows
Run the following command:
Stop-ScheduledTask -TaskName "CircleCI Launch Agent"
3. Start the new machine runner
Platform-specific instructions are given below.
Starting on Linux
Run the following commands:
sudo systemctl reload circleci.service
sudo systemctl enable circleci.service
sudo systemctl start circleci.service
Starting on Mac
Run the following command:
sudo launchctl load '/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.circleci.runner.plist'
Starting on Windows
Run the following commands:
Start-ScheduledTask -TaskName "CircleCI Launch Agent"