Confianza en cada reversión cambio lanzamiento reversión mensaje evaluación despliegue

Los equipos de ingeniería de todos los tamaños utilizan CircleCI para construir, probar y desplegar código listo para producción fácilmente.

De confianza para

Hinge Logo Hinge

Con CircleCI, puedes capturar cada cambio.

Concéntrate en tu código y más allá. Activa pruebas automáticas cuando algo en tu ecosistema cambie: bibliotecas, imágenes, incluso LLMs.

Cualquier aplicación, desplegada en cualquier lugar, a cualquier escala






Vehículos Autónomos




Reconocimiento de Imágenes

Aplicaciones Web Dinámicas




Dispositivos Vestibles

Inteligencia Empresarial






Tecnología Sanitaria







Jupyter Notebook




Reconocimiento de voz

Sistemas de recomendación

Análisis predictivo


Bases de datos

Imágenes de contenedor


Procesamiento de lenguaje natural

Aplicaciones de una sola página




Pruebas automatizadas para cada desafío de desarrollo

Móvil, web, API, serverless, IA y más: CI/CD robusto para que puedas desarrollar tu aplicación con velocidad y confianza, sin importar lo que estés construyendo.

Visibilidad de extremo a extremo desde el commit hasta la producción

Implementa actualizaciones y depura fallos con facilidad. La entrega progresiva te permite monitorear cambios y revertir automáticamente a un estado estable si es necesario.

Disparadores automatizados para cada evento de cambio

Responde automáticamente a los cambios en el entorno de tu aplicación. Si afecta a tu aplicación, puedes activar un pipeline desde él en CircleCI.

Somos los expertos en CI/CD (para que tú no tengas que serlo)

Más del 50% de los clientes en CircleCI alcanzan los puntos de referencia elite de DORA.

Únete a +2M desarrolladores

Y obtén esa sensación de compilación exitosa

The sea change that happened for us over the course of a couple years was removing the fear [of deploying]… It used to be that pushing to production was a really big deal.

It’s given people on the executive team and in sales and support more confidence that we can act on information that we get from customers.”

Nick Wilson | VP of Technical Operations at GoSpotCheck

The overall stability of CircleCI is remarkable in comparison to previously used CI providers and other cloud-based development tools.”

Adam Renklint | Co-founder and CTO at Pitch

CircleCI made it easier for us to streamline deployment processes and standardize the way we build, test, and release software.”

Lukas Brusokas | Senior AWS Engineer at SaleCycle

CircleCI enables choice for developers, without spending time on infrastructure.”

Steven Reynolds | Principal Engineer at Eventbrite

CircleCI has enabled us to make DevOps a shared responsibility that can be done by everyone.”

Adam Lyons | VP of Engineering at Tanda

[We’ve] built a powerful system to automatically run security updates… engineers merge the PR, and builds run security updates on all servers.”

Toshimasa Ishibashi | Co-founder and CTO at Kaizen Platform

I set up CI/CD for #ReactNative app this week, I used #CircleCI #Fastlane and connected it to #Firebase Distribution! It works well! Now all tests, builds and code signing are done automatically! #IOS #Android #mobile #ContinuousIntegration #DevOps #FirebaseDistribution”

Iryna Kreichmann | @Lucky_girl_____ at Twitter

It used to be that pushing to production was a really big deal … doing releases more frequently, [has] reduced that fear.”

Nick Wilson | VP of Technical Operations at GoSpotCheck

We are so proud to partner with CircleCI again and deepen our relationship to further support girls and women in STEM,” said Oakland Soul Vice President, Brand Partnerships Andrea Lepore.”

Andrea Lepore | Vice President, Brand Partnerships at Oakland Soul SC

CircleCI orbs just magically work.”

Nicholas Duffy | Engineering Manager at Axios

Workflows + Docker caching are great with CircleCI.”

Josh Dover | Senior Software Engineer at CrateJoy

CircleCI … [is] critical to making sure we ship code with quality, and it automates all our deployments.”

Thomas Groutars | Staff Software Engineer at Maze

CircleCI enables us to … deliver the best value to our customers with total confidence.”

Hemal Shah | Product Manager at fastlane

There is a growing awareness within the company to introduce CI from the early stages of projects.”

Tsunashi Iguchi | DeNA

CircleCI is one of my stress-free tools.”

Maksim Pecherskiy | Chief Data Officer at City of San Diego

CircleCI helps us pivot more quickly when business priorities shift.”

Carlos Villavicencio | Software Developer at Stack Builders

CircleCI is an essential tool for us.”

Yuta Kimura | ANDPAD

Even on the day of transitioning to production with CircleCI Server version 3, CircleCI was on standby with a video conferencing tool in case any problems arose.”

Sodai Kitamura | Data Science and Engineering at LINE

We strive to have at least an 80 percent success rate on all of our projects and CircleCI helps us maintain this average.”

Jon Anderson | Senior Software Engineer at Outreach

There were so many of our customers that were already using orbs and already using CircleCI that their ability to take the orb and adopt it was trivial.”

Cory Virok | Co-founder and CTO at Rollbar

There were so many of our customers that were already using orbs and already using CircleCI that their ability to take the orb and adopt it was trivial.”

Cory Virok | Co-founder and CTO at Rollbar

CircleCI significantly increased the productivity of the team to be able to ship more features, more confidently, and in less time.”

Rawan Moukalled | Senior Front End Engineer at gtlogic

With CircleCI’s features, our team is shifting from ‘keeping the lights on’ to ‘building something new and better.’”

Anthony Carr-Smith | Software Development Manager at i2

The integration with GitLab worked flawlessly; it was easy, fast and productive.”

Yoel Astanovsky | Software Engineer at Moneytor

CircleCI’s default mode was a game changer for us … some of our processes have improved from nearly 24 hours to 1 hour!”

Anthony Carr-Smith | Software Development Manager at i2

Switching to CircleCI has allowed our engineers to build and release mobile and web projects with far greater simplicity, speed and performance.”

Matt Wise | Senior Systems Architect at Nextdoor

The rise of GenAI is putting pressure on developers to test more frequently because every single application needs to be up and running at 100%, making effective CI/CD essential.”

Xavier Portilla Edo | Infrastructure Team Lead at Voiceflow

CircleCI connects our processes and pipelines and brings visibility into our coding environment, offering efficiency and rapid, high performance.”

Valentin Ranshakov | QA Lead at Klara

Having a partner like CircleCI that is consistent and reliable enables us to not only deliver the best value to our customers, but deliver it with total confidence.”

Hemal Shah | Product Manager at fastlane

The previous CI/CD tool required manual deployments.”

Seiichi Sato | Lead Engineer at Bandai Namco Studios

We’ve reduced the time needed to manage CI/CD infrastructure, while we deliver new projects with high confidence.”

Austin Brown | DevOps Engineer at Ground X

CircleCI has significantly simplified setup and maintenance of our test environment and this allows us to run and maintain a stable test suite increasing the team’s confidence in the test results.”

Jason Bosco | VP of Engineering at Dollar Shave Club

We can still allow developers to do custom work if they want to, when they want to; developers are in complete control.”

Steven Reynolds | Principal Engineer at Eventbrite

With CircleCI our testing and deployments are running at about two minutes.”

Sojin Park | Frontend Developer at Toss

CircleCI helped us improve build system simplicity and stability, which reduced the support requests from our teams by 90%.”

Matic Miklavčič | DevOps Engineer at Outfit7

Our growth and the offering we provide our clients are simply much better with CircleCI than without it.”

Adam Nowak | Software Development Practice Lead at Netguru

With CircleCI, things can move through the release process more quickly.”

Josh Bazemore | Engineering Manager at Greenhouse

Of all the solutions we tried, I think CircleCI still provides the best caching flow.”

Denis Prysukhin | Co-founder and CTO at Corewide

Before switching to CircleCI, [the] team waited up to an hour to get through testing.”

Adam Nowak | Software Development Practice Lead at Netguru

With CircleCI, we have probably saved $75-300K in maintenance on Jenkins.”

Seth Ringling | Developer at Avvo

By combining multiple tools, we are … able to significantly reduce testing time and man-hours.”

Yukiyuki Komazaki | PLAID

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