Automate artifact management
with CircleCI

Pre-built CI/CD integrations for artifact repositories.

Streamline your development process

Regardless of what artifacts your CI pipeline generates, CircleCI works with your preferred package manager.

  • Store your artifacts anywhere

    CircleCI integrates with tools like AWS S3, JFrog Artifactory, Google Container Registry, and more.

  • Efficiently store and cache packages

    Re-use dependencies for speed that consistently outperform competitors.

  • Optimize package management across teams

    Easily share software packages to boost productivity.


Using the AWS S3 Orb

View documentation

Storing Build Artifacts

View documentation

Upload to Artifactory

View documentation

Artifact management in your configuration

Utilize CircleCI orbs to optimize and speed up your builds.

Diagram of Artifactory Orbs being used in CircleCI config

How does CircleCI integrate with
artifact repositories?

Use one of our partner orbs in your pipeline to start deploying to your preferred package manager.

Recommended Resources

Read our blogs and tutorials to start building with artifact repositories on CircleCI.