
Keep up to date with our latest
releases and enhancements.

macOS orb version 2.5.0 available    

The newest macOS orb version 2.5.0 resolves an execution error, “AppleEvent timed out”, previously returned when using the add-safari-permissions command with Xcode 15.x images.


Flutter orb v2.0.4    

Flutter orb version 2.0.4 resolves an error installing the flutter SDK caused by an incorrect environment variable reference.


December Android cimg and machine images update    

What’s New

A bug has been fixed in the circle-android utility in the machine image used in the Android orb, where the wait-for-boot step would hang.

Keep reading

Images Orbs

Windows Orb v5.0.0    

What’s New

The Windows Orb v5.0.0 migrates to orb tools 11, and sets Windows Server 2022 as the default.

Visit the Windows Orb page on the Developer Hub for more information.


Deploy to Windows Containers with the Updated Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Orb    

What’s New

With this update, CircleCI users can deploy directly from their CI/CD pipeline to Windows containers. Read Google’s announcement here.

Visit the GKE orb page for more information.
