
Keep up to date with our latest
releases and enhancements.

macOS orb version 2.5.2 available    

The newest macOS orb version 2.5.2 resolves an intermittent issue where the wrong IP address was shown in the ssh command string after running a Rebuild with SSH job.


GCP-CLI orb version 3.2.0 available    

GCP-CLI orb version 3.2.0 has been published. This version introduces support for Windows.


Bitbucket private orb permissions    

Bitbucket org admins now have the option to enable additional CircleCI permissions for Bitbucket workspace members, for example view private orbs.


Updated CLI commands for private orbs    

What’s New

The orb source, orb info, and orb/config validate CLI commands have been updated to work successfully with private orbs.

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Orbs Dev tools

Free plan updates    

What’s New

We have made some exciting updates to our free plan, including giving teams more build minutes and access to our most popular features formerly only available on paid plans.

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Private orbs UI    

What’s New

You can now interact with private orbs via the CircleCI web app. A list of your organization’s orbs has been added on the Organization Settings page, and new private orb details pages that open in the orb registry have also been added as part of this release. The orbs list shows all public and private orbs authored by your organization / in your organization’s namespace(s), while the private orb details pages open in the Orbs registry and are flagged with a new “private” badge. Please note you will only be able to see these pages if you are logged in and authenticated; if you are not logged in, you will receive a 404 error.

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Orb information for private orbs    

What’s New

If you use the CircleCI CLI, you may now use the CLI to run orb information for private orbs.


Orbs list    

What’s New

Many customers have been asking for an easy way to manage the orbs they’ve authored, both public or private. To meet this need, we are rolling out a set of orbs usability enhancements inside the Circle app.

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September feature updates    

Several new features have been released to improve the user experience when setting up configurations.

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Private Orbs for All Paid Plans    

What’s New

Previously available to all of our Scale plan customers, we are now allowing all paid customers to access up to 3 Private Orbs. Note that Scale Plan customers will still have full access to an unlimited number of private orbs.

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