
Keep up to date with our latest
releases and enhancements.

CircleCI Status Icon now in New UI    

What’s New

The new UI now includes a link to the status site. In case of incidents, this icon will update to yellow (degraded), orange (parial outage) or red (outage).

Help Icon now in New UI    

What’s New

There is now a “help” icon and button on the main navigation of the new UI. When expanded, this menu includes links to Docs, Discuss, Support, Premium Support, Orbs and Feature requests.


New API v2 Job Approval Endpoint    

What’s New

You can now approve jobs with API v2. The new endpoint is POST /api/v2/workflow/:workflow-id/approve/:approval-request-id. The approval request id is the ID of a pending approval job, which will also be returned as an approval_request_id on approval jobs returned by the API. For more information see the API v2 docs.

Dev tools

Config Editor with Linting on Project Setup    

What’s New

The config editor available during project setup now visually display mistakes and offers suggestions specific to CircleCI’s configuration schema.

Xcode 11.5 Beta 1 Image Released    

What’s New

Xcode 11.5 Beta 1 image has been released. Read more here.


Colorization of Step Output Returns to the New UI    

What’s New

Colorized loading of step output has returned to the new UI on the Job Details page up to 6000 ANSI words.

New Machine Executor Image with Docker 19.03    

What’s New

A new Machine executor image ubuntu-1604:201903-01 is now availabe, with Docker 19.03 pre-installed. See this Discuss post for the list of the versions of core software also available in this image. Check out the Machine executor docs for instructions on how to use this image with the Machine executor.


Slack Orb integration is Back in New UI Project Settings    

What’s New

Slack has been a powerful way for orgs to get status updates and custom alerts. We’ve brought it back in the new UI under Project Settings to aid users to solve their problems more efficiently while remaining in their Slack workflow.


Tests Run/Failed Displayed in Tab    

What’s New

The Test Summary tab on the Job Details page in the New UI now displays green when tests pass, and red for failures. The number of tests run, or number of failed tests is also displayed.

Recent and Failed Pipelines Auto-Open in New UI    

What’s New

When viewing the Pipelines page, the most recent pipeline and any failed pipelines will be auto expanded to show the jobs that ran. This gives a quicker route to accessing job step output.