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Release 2.17.01    

What’s New in Release 2.17.1

Bug fixes

  • Addressed a configuration issue with VM Service running into rate limiting errors when calling out to the AWS API. This prevented VM Service from spinning up machine and remote_executors.
  • Fixed issues around nomad garbage collection only garbage collecting every 4 hours. This could prevent nomad jobs from running in environments with heavy usage.

Release 2.17.00    

What’s New in Release 2.17

Known Issues

There have been reports of our backpressure settings being too aggressive due to lack of nomad garbage collecting, as well as issues with the Vm Service overwhelming AWS API Limits. If you are on 2.17, you should upgrade to 2.17.1.

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Server Images

Release 2.16.02    

What’s Fixed in Release 2.16.2

  • Bug Fix: Fix a rare condition that causes some threads to be stuck in certain use cases.

Release 2.16.01    

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Release 2.16.00    

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Server Images

Release 2.15.00    

Fill out this form to receive updates about CircleCI through email.

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Release 2.14.01    

This patch release fixes an issue introduced in 2.14.0. Please review the fix(es):

Fixed: Docker executor does not support configurable resource classes.


Release 2.14.00    

What’s New in Release 2.14

This release contains service migrations for contexts and is a required upgrade. The following updates and fixes are also of note:

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Release 2.13.00    

What’s New in Release 2.13*

  • Fixed: Due to a certificate not being imported jobs were unable to submit after a container restart.
  • Fixed: Stability issues within contexts service.
  • Fixed: vm-service issue where AWS ECS and EBS volumes were left used. Added better idempotent client retries, API eventual consistency handling.

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Release 2.12.1    

The installable version of CircleCI v2.12.1 fixes an issue introduced in 2.12.0. GitHub cloud integrations were unable to create new contexts.
