
Keep up to date with our latest
releases and enhancements.

Xcode 11.4 GM Image Released    

What’s New

Xcode 11.4 (GM) image is released. Read more here.


Xcode 11.4 Image Updated    

What’s New

Xcode 11.4 image has been updated. Read more [here]


URL for Onboarding Pages Updated    

What’s New

URLs for onboarding pages have been consolidated for security and improved usability. They now follow this structure:

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URL for Settings Pages Updated in the New UI    

What’s New

URLs for Settings pages have been consolidated for security and improved usability. They now follow this structure:

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Scheduled Workflows Now Shown as Pipelines    

What’s New

Scheduled workflows are now available as pipelines in both the new UI, and the API.

Queue Time and Wait Time Now Available in the New UI    

What’s New

Wait and queue times can now be accessed for each job in the new UI. Hover over the i next to the Duration at the top of the job details page, and the wait time and queue time appear as a tooltip. This information has been added to the new UI to make it easier to get information on edge-case failures in your pipelines.

Updated URL Structure for New UI    

What’s New

The new UI URL sub-domain structure has been updated for improved security and usability. The new structure makes it easier for developers to interact with URLs like breadcrumb items.

Xcode 11.4 Beta 3 Image Now Available    

What’s New

Read more in our Xcode 11.4 Beta 3 image announcement.


Legacy Jobs View Now Available in New UI    

What’s New

The Legacy Jobs view in the new UI provides an overview for all jobs, regardless of whether they have pipeline processing enabled. We are aiming to move all customers over to pipeline processing, and this view has been added to provide the information you need for all projects during this transition period. Access the Legacy Jobs view at the end of the Pipelines List page.

March Docker Convenience Image Updates    

What’s New

Read the March update on CircleCI Docker Convenience Images here.
