
Keep up to date with our latest
releases and enhancements.

CircleCI web app updated to be more readable when a user is not logged in    

If a user is not logged in to CircleCI but is attempting to view something in the CircleCI web app, the left-hand navigation’s text is now readable. It was previously using a font color that made it unreadable.

Updated messaging in CircleCI web app when a user is suspended    

Users will now see a message in the CircleCI web app requesting that they submit a form if they have been marked as suspended for suspected abuse in order to have the suspension removed.

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"Go back" button bug fixed    

When a user clicked “Go back” from the flow to create a project with CircleCI’s GitHub App or GitLab integrations, the web app would not redirect the user back to the previous page that they were on. This has now been fixed.

"Create Project" button design updated across CircleCI web app for consistency    

The “Create Project” button in the CircleCI web app has been updated to look the same in every occurence of the button for consistency.

"Dismiss All" option no longer clickable from notifications center when there are no notifications to dismiss    

The “Notification Center” in the top right corner of the CircleCI web app no longer lets a user click the “Dismiss All” option if there are no notifications to dismiss.

Server 4.1.10    

Change Log

  • Suspended users will receive a more descriptive error upon failure to log in.
  • Bug fixes for SMPT email value.

Server 4.2.6    

Change Log

  • Suspended users will receive a more descriptive error upon failure to log in.
  • Bug fixes for SMPT email value.

"Cancel Workflow" clickable area fixed    

The “Cancel Workflow” option in the CircleCI web app had an issue where only part of it was clickable. This has now been fixed.

"Ask AI" button fixed in CircleCI Web App    

The “Ask AI” option in the CircleCI web app is now functioning as expected.

Minor fix to CircleCI web app    

The “Filter” button in the CircleCI web app overlapped with the “Pipelines” drop box on the “All Pipelines” page. This has been fixed.