
Keep up to date with our latest
releases and enhancements.

First Party Orb Version Badge Service    

What’s New

Previously, CircleCI orb version badges were generated through, with data provided by a small service that a CircleCI CPE member managed. Although this process was not officially managed by CircleCI, with this update, this feature now consolidates the entire orb version badge generation process within CircleCI.

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Help Icon now in New UI    

What’s New

There is now a “help” icon and button on the main navigation of the new UI. When expanded, this menu includes links to Docs, Discuss, Support, Premium Support, Orbs and Feature requests.


Slack Orb integration is Back in New UI Project Settings    

What’s New

Slack has been a powerful way for orgs to get status updates and custom alerts. We’ve brought it back in the new UI under Project Settings to aid users to solve their problems more efficiently while remaining in their Slack workflow.


New Command to List and Unlist Orbs    

What’s New

To unlist your published orbs from the registry, use the new circleci orb unlist CLI command. For details, refer to the help page. Unlisted orbs remain world-readable when referenced by name but will not appear in the search results of the orb registry. Unlisted orbs can be listed again using the circleci orb unlist <namespace/orb> false command.

Orbs Dev tools

Orb Licensing    

What’s New

Orbs are now licensed out from CircleCI to users under the MIT open-source license agreement. Refer to the Licensing page of the Orbs Registry for details.


Orbs List Update    

What’s New

It is now possible to sort the list of orbs according to their usage by running the circleci orb list --sort command.


Orbs Inside Orbs    

What’s New

Orb elements can now be composed directly with elements of other orbs. For example, you can now have an orb that looks like the following:

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New Orb CLI Commands, New Plan Views, New API Doc    

What’s New

  • The CircleCI CLI command orb list now has an optional flag, --json, that provides machine-readable output. In addition, the CLI command orb source has been updated to allow you to pull any version, including dev versions, for example:
circleci orb source mynamespace/myorb@dev:foo
circleci orb source mynamespace/myorb@1.2.3
circleci orb source mynamespace/myorb@volatile
  • Cloud Performance plans have been updated to display multiple periods of usage data on the Settings page.

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