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releases and enhancements.

Slack Orb integration is Back in New UI Project Settings    

What’s New

Slack has been a powerful way for orgs to get status updates and custom alerts. We’ve brought it back in the new UI under Project Settings to aid users to solve their problems more efficiently while remaining in their Slack workflow.


Tests Run/Failed Displayed in Tab    

What’s New

The Test Summary tab on the Job Details page in the New UI now displays green when tests pass, and red for failures. The number of tests run, or number of failed tests is also displayed.

Recent and Failed Pipelines Auto-Open in New UI    

What’s New

When viewing the Pipelines page, the most recent pipeline and any failed pipelines will be auto expanded to show the jobs that ran. This gives a quicker route to accessing job step output.

Max Parallelism Now Displayed in New UI    

What’s New

Previously, the number of parallel runs in use was displayed, now both this and the maximum available are shown. You can also hover over the adjacent information icon for further information.

Page Load Time Improvements on the New UI Job Page    

What’s New

We have decreased the first meaningful paint time down to 1.96 seconds and improved load-time perception for the job detail page in the new UI.

RAM Disks    

What’s New

We are now making a RAM disk available for our Docker executor at /mnt/ramdisk. This has the potential to significantly speed up certain types of build. For usage, please check the docs.

Artifacts Redirects    

What’s New

All non-HTML build artifacts on CircleCI now redirect to short-lived pre-signed cloud storage URLs. This change has been made to improve the performance of our artifacts hosting.

Keep reading

Job Approval from the Pipelines List in New UI    

What’s New

You can now manually unblock an approval job from the Pipelines List page in the new UI. Originally this functionality was only available from the Workflows map. Read more about approval jobs here.

Email Notification for Scheduled Workflows    

What’s New

If any of your scheduled workflows become unscheduled for any reason, you will now be notified by email.

Autocommit and Config Editor Now Live    

What’s New

Autocommit is a new feature that allows you to commit a sample language-specific config direct to a new branch on your repo when adding a project, making it even quicker to start building on CircleCI. You can also edit the config prior to committing. These features are in addition to the option to manually commit a config file.