
Keep up to date with our latest
releases and enhancements.

Release 4.1.2    

Before Upgrading

See the CircleCI server 4.1 release notes for upgrade notes for this release.

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Release 2.19.14    

What’s New in Release 2.19.14


In March 2022 updates to CircleCI server v2.x will stop. Support for customers using CircleCI server v2.x will continue.

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Release 3.3.1    

Before Upgrading

See the What’s new in server 3.x doc for upgrade notes for this release.

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Release 3.2.2    

Before Upgrading

See the What’s new in server 3.x doc for upgrade notes for this release.

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Server Images

Release 2.19.07    

What’s New in Release 2.19.07


  • Fixed a bug that was preventing authentication to China region ECR images in the docker executor.
  • Removed the recursive chown from startup of the fileserverd service. In instances of heavy usage this was causing the startup process to take a long time, or in some cases, startup was blocked.

Known Issues

  • If any changes have been made to your networking configuration from the default, you should run the following steps to ensure you can use SSH to inspect your builds (for further information on SSH reruns see the SSH Rerun Guide):
    • For customers using AWS, make sure that you have the latest Launch Configuration configured for Nomad clients, and that exiting Nomad clients were spun up using the Launch Configuration.
    • On each Nomad Client machine, create /etc/circleci/public-ipv4
    • This file should contain the public (if applicable) or private IP of the nomad client
Server Images

Release 2.19.02    

What’s New in Release 2.19.02


  • In the LDAP login flow we now use an anonymous form to POST LDAP auth state, rather than sending it as a GET parameter. Previously, when a user authenticated using LDAP, their username and password were sent in plaintext as part of a query parameter in a GET request. As requests are over HTTPS, this left usernames and passwords in request logs, etc. This issue is now fixed.

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Release 2.18.03    

What’s New in Release 2.18.03


Following our release of Windows support on the hosted offering of CircleCI, running VM-based jobs in Windows environments is now supported on CircleCI Server instances running in AWS.

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Release 2.0.1    

  • Fix issue where /etc/hosts was not being applied properly to every container.
  • Add ability to configure VM instance type in AWS EC2 when configuring the VM Service in the Management Console.

Release 1.47.1    

A minor maintenance release, primarily to improve the single-box installation process for new trials of CircleCI Enterprise. Also, we have now follow advice from GitHub to not check if emails in GitHub Enterprise are “verified” — we will continue to check verified status if you are using If you have reason to change “verified” checks on your users’ emails let us know.


Update to address CVE-2016-8655    

We have released patches to our AMIs and other infrastructure to address CVE-2016-8655. We recommend all CircleCI Enterprise installations follow the instructions below to update both their Services box and their Builder fleet.

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