
Keep up to date with our latest
releases and enhancements.

Release Agent 1.2.0 Release    


  • Added support for proprietary labels and that will replace app and version. Currently the old labels are still supported, but it is recommended to migrate to the new ones as soon as possible, since support for them will be dropped in an upcoming releases. NOTE When migrating to the new and labels, rolling back to a version with the old app and version labels is supported only if the deployment or rollout is managed by Helm.
  • Fixed an issue with rollbacks failing when the deployment was managed by Argo Rollout and Helm was not being used.

Auto-Cancel Redundant Workflows for Gitlab Projects    

Gitlab projects now support Auto-Cancel Redundant Workflows. Reducing spend and queuing for highly active projects. For more information on see our documentation.

Update on joining GitHub OAuth and Bitbucket integrated organizations    

We have removed the ability to generate in-app invites for GitHub OAuth and Bitbucket integrated organizations. Users trying to join existing CircleCI organizations with a GitHub OAuth or Bitbucket integration will no longer need an invitation from an existing team member.

For more information on the updated steps, see our documentation.

Config compile time improvements    

We have optimized config compilation, with up to 40% improvement in compilation times for very large configs.

Improvements to the project and trigger creation experiences for projects connected to GitHub App    

Following the adoption of HTTPS checkout in place of SSH-based checkout for projects that connect to GitHub App, the project creation page and the trigger creation page have been updated so users are no longer required to enter a SSH key.

Projects with public GitHub App triggers are now recognized as Open Source in CircleCI    

Projects integrated through GitHub App that have public repositories as trigger sources are now correctly recognized as Open Source in CircleCI. This has two implications:

  • Job links are accessible to anyone, including users who are not logged in.
  • Open Source projects on a free plan are no longer capped by the 30,000 free credit limit.

Change to "Skip CI" behaviour for GitHub App triggers    

Projects setup using the GitHub App integration no longer show “Not Run” pipelines in the pipelines page on commits labeled with [skip ci] or [ci skip]. Instead, CI is skipped silently.

New environment variables    

Three new environment variables have been added, making it easier to use common identifiers in jobs: CIRCLE_PROJECT_ID, CIRCLE_ORGANIZATION_ID, and CIRCLE_PIPELINE_ID.

Changes to code checkout for orgs that integrate with GitHub App    

Orgs that use CircleCI’s GitHub App integration now use a different mechanism for checking out code. Instead of using an SSH-based deploy key, a more secure method, HTTPS, is now used to clone source code from GitHub.

SSH rerun for GitHub App and GitLab    

Customers using CircleCI with GitHub App and GitLab now have the option to debug builds using rerun with SSH.