
Keep up to date with our latest
releases and enhancements.

Support for Test Splitting with Workflows    

What’s New

The following features and additions are now available.

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Support for Multiple Contexts    

It is now possible to create multiple Contexts in the Organization Settings of the CircleCI app. See the Contexts documentation for details and naming conventions.

CircleCI 2.0 for macOS General Availability    

The release of CircleCI 2.0 for macOS enables your iOS projects to benefit from the significant performance, stability, and reliability improvements in the CircleCI 2.0 platform, including the following new features:

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Docker Layer Caching in Machine Executor    

Docker Layer Caching is now available as a premium feature for the machine executor. Refer to the Docker layer Caching in Machine Executor section for instructions.

Scheduled Workflows    

This feature enables Workflows to run on a configurable schedule. Refer to the Scheduling a Workflow section of the Orchestrating Workflows document for instructions and examples. Reference information for syntax is available in the triggers section of the Writing Jobs With Steps document and answers to common questions are documented in the Workflows section of the Migration FAQ.

Release 2.0.0    

CircleCI 2.0 is a completely updated CI/CD platform that starts every run with a clean image which is automatically provisioned just-in-time for Linux jobs on the CircleCI application installed in your private cloud. The CircleCI 2.0 platform includes significant performance, stability, and reliability improvements along with first-class Docker support, Workflows (pipelines), Resource Allocation, and Contexts. The Management Console (Replicated) also includes new options for enabling 2.0 Builders and appropriate default settings.

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Server Images


This feature enables sharing of global environment variables across projects. Refer to the instructions and examples in the Setting Contexts document and the Job Contexts Example section of Orchestrating Workflows.

CircleCI 2.0 General Availability    

CircleCI 2.0 is a completely updated CI/CD platform that starts every run with a clean image which is automatically provisioned just-in-time for Linux and Android jobs on the hosted CircleCI application.

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The Workflows feature is available on CircleCI 2.0. It is designed with a flexible algorithm to support very complex job scheduling and orchestration using a simple set of new configuration keys. See the Steps to Configure Workflows section of the Migrating from 1.0 to 2.0 document for instructions. Refer to the Orchestrating Workflows document for examples and conceptual information.